Geen draagvlak voor windmolens

Verslag van de bijeenkomst over windmolens op 16 november in zalencentrum De Haverkamp in Markelo.

Deze “informatie avond” over windmolens werd zeer druk bezocht. Naar schatting 500 mensen waren aanwezig, waaronder ook burgemeester Nauta, wethouder Meulenkamp, diverse raadsleden en statenleden, ambtenaren van de gemeente.

Inleiding Gertjan Oplaat

De avond werd geleid door Gertjan Oplaat uit Markelo, oud 2e kamerlid voor de VVD.Hij leidde de sprekers in met het beeld van een sahara in de Hof van Twente als beeldspraak om de kaalslag te beschrijven als de windmolenparken er zouden komen. Maar Oplaat wijst ook op de sociale ontwrichting, omdat er ernstige  tegenstellingen worden veroorzaakt.

Makelaar Berendsen

Makelaar Henk Berendsen van Robers Makelaardij uit Holten gaf een goed gefundeerde analyse van de gevolgen op de woningmarkt van de windmolens.

In Hof van Twente is het sterke punt de fraaie natuur en de rust, gecombineerd met goede infrastructuur en goede voorzieningen. Uitstekende combinatie om goed te wonen en ook voor het toerisme. De werkgelegenheid is vaak buiten de Hof van Twente in de grotere steden.De situering bij de A1 is ook gunstig voor de bereikbaarheid.De plaatsing van een aantal grote windmolens zal het sterke punt van fraaie natuur en stilte sterk aantasten en deze uitstraling zal niet beperkt blijven tot de directe omgeving, maar over de gehele Hof van Twente. Het geeft een verandering van het karakter, omdat de molens tot in de verre omgeving te zien zijn en omdat het geluid tot ca 2,5 km als hinderlijk wordt ervaren. Toeristen blijven niet op één plek hangen maar fietsen en wandelen of rijden paard, waardoor zij in contact komen met de gevolgen van de windmolens.Inwoners vinden het prettig om in het buitengebied te wonen te midden van fraaie natuur en rust in doorgaans fraaie buitenhuizen. Zij staan borg voor een flink deel van de uitgaven in Hof van Twente. De aankondiging van de plannen heeft nu al een grote impact op de verkoop van huizen.Berendsen heeft een paar voorbeelden van klanten die wachten en de ontwikkelingen afwachten.Nu is daardoor nog geen invloed op de prijsvorming vast te stellen, alleen het stilliggen van de verkoop. Op langere termijn is onvermijdelijk ook een prijsdaling het gevolg als mensen gedwongen zijn om te verkopen.Wanneer iemand zijn hypotheek wil/moet oversluiten en de WOZ waarde van zijn huis is verminderd door de plaatsing van een windmolen, zal de bank taxatie eisen en zal de hypotheek worden verminderd. De impact in Hof van Twente is veel groter dan in andere delen van Nederland waar al windmolens zijn geplaatst, zoals in vlakke polders , of waar het lawaai van verkeer overheerst. Afhankelijk van de omstandigheden zoals afstand en omgeving treden waardevermindering op tussen 3 en 30 % en soms zelfs 50% in de directe omgeving van een molen. Een aantal gevallen van jurisprudentie is onderzocht. De Raad van State hanteert als maatstaf 2300 meter afstand om als omwonende te worden erkend. Ook het vestigingsklimaat gaat achteruit. Omdat tegenwoordig veel ondernemers via internet hun werk verrichten en in het buitengebied glasvezel wordt aangelegd biedt dat de mogelijkheid om in een fraaie en rustige omgeving te werken. Windmolens zullen deze vestigingskansen aanmerkelijk verminderen.                 Recreatief onroerend goed wordt om bovengenoemde redenen ook hard getroffen. De WOZ waarde en de verkoop waarde dalen aanmerkelijk.

Rob Rietveld, directeur Nederlandse Vereniging van Omwonenden Windmolens (NLVOW)

Windmolens veroorzaken overlast door geluid, slagschaduw, waarschuwingslichten, visuele aantasting van het landschap door de grote hoogte en door het bewegen van de wieken.

Hij gaat voornamelijk in op de geluidsaspecten van windmolens. De molens veroorzaken binnen 2,5 Km hinder binnenshuis en buitenshuis  in een groot aantal gevallen (10-30%). Vroeger golden in Nederland geluidsnormen van 41 dB voor windmolens. Maar omdat hierdoor de bouw van windmolens op land werd beperkt zijn in 2011 deze normen opgerekt tot 47 dB Lden (Level day, evening, night).  In de praktijk komt dit neer op een jaargemiddelde van 47 dB. D.w.z. als de molen een tijdje stil staat omdat er geen wind is, dan mag de molen daarna veel meer lawaai maken dan 47 dB. Hij maakte de vergelijking met het rijden met een auto in de bebouwde kom: als je 6 dagen langzaam rijdt dan mag je één dag wel 150 km /uur rijden. Bovendien is het geluidsniveau niet verifieerbaar, omdat dan een heel jaar gemeten moet worden, maar ook zonder het achtergrond geluid, hetgeen in de praktijk niet mogelijk is. Verder wordt het geluidsniveau (geen jaargemiddelden) met computermodellen uitgerekend, waarbij de realiteit vaak heel anders blijkt te zijn dan het model. Soms 9 dB hoger, dat is een factor 8x hoger. Dit alles geeft grote problemen bij het handhaven van de geluidsnormen. In de Hof van Twente is ’s nachts en ’s avonds het geluidsniveau in het buitengebied ca 20 db en overdag ca 30 dB. Dit is een verschil van ca 17 dB met de toegestane geluidsnorm voor de windmolen overeenkomend met een factor van ca 30x hoger. Hierdoor zal in een zeer groot gebied (ca 2500 ha) het geluid van de windmolens overheersend zijn. De buitenlandse normen kennen geen jaargemiddelde en zijn veel strenger.  Voor laagfrequent geluid bestaan geen normen <150 Hz. Laagfrequent geluid wordt niet gehoord, maar kan wel invloed hebben op het lichaam. Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen voor gezondheidsklachten, maar dit kan (nog) niet statistisch worden aangetoond.

Robert Jan Kortenoever van buitencentrum Hessenheem in Markelo legt uit dat het toerisme om zeep wordt gebracht met het plaatsen van windmolens. En dat terwijl de gemeente juist de vrijetijdseconomie wil stimuleren! Het zijn nu ca 370.000 overnachtingen per jaar. Voor de inkomsten van de gemeente en voor de economie van de Hof van Twente van wezenlijk belang.

Ellen Broeknellis, inwoonster van Markelo houdt een gloedvol betoog over haar visie op het geheel. Zij woont zelf niet in de directe invloedsfeer van de geplande molens. Maar de invloed zal wel degelijk in de hele Hof van Twente merkbaar zijn. Alsof je een autosnelweg dwars door het dorp aanlegt. Het enige dat Markelo heeft is het unieke landschap en dat enige wordt door de windmolens weggenomen. Het getuigt van moed en visie om als bestuurder deze plannen compleet van tafel te vegen.

Aleid Diepeveen doet een oproep aan de bewoners om zich te melden om mee te denken aan alternatieven voor de windmolens. Begin met energiebesparing, daar valt nog veel te winnen. Maar ook mestvergisting, aardwarmte en natuurlijk zonnepanelen. Deskundige ondersteuning zou moeten worden ingehuurd om alle mogelijkheden te bespreken en onderzoeken op hun haalbaarheid.

Aan het einde van de avond besluit Gertjan Oplaat met de woorden: “investeren in de gemeenschap is de meest duurzame investering met het hoogste rendement die je kunt doen als gemeente”.


  • Cool! That's a clever way of loniokg at it!
  • Muchas felicidades!!!! En realidad se hizo corto el tiempo y has tenido el buen tino de siempre dejarnos con la expectativa de lo que vendría después. De hecho esperamos que esto siga evolucionando.Gracias por estar allí y compartir tu conocimiento.Esperemos pronto verlo publicado.Un mexicanísimo abrazo.Germán Laue
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  • Wow, you should really stick to commentary on food and leave the politics aside. How can an educated person like yourself really support a tax and spend socialist like Obama, who pals around with domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers and wackos like Jeremiah Wright?? Are you serious????Posted by: DeFlater Mouse | November 04, 2008 at 11:24 AM^^^^Wow. Listen to Rush a little more.I’d comment on more, but the right wing tools just make my brain hurt.
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  • above, “Right on time.” With Thanksgiving being tomorrow I’m ready for some great food but I definitely have to remember as you say, “I am what I eat.”.Thanks for keeping things real and in the fore front.Aaron Wyssmann.-= Aaron Wyssmann´s last blog .. =-.
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  • oye amigo, pero en ese video no dice que madres hago con los datos! solo los copio en una carpeta en la sd?? en que momento son requeridos? ¿debo cololocar el apk dentro de la misma carpeta de los datos? de ser asi, ¿por que no pones todo en un mismo rar?Lamento mucho si las preguntas suenan tontas, pero nunca he hecho esto y la verdad tengo algunas dudas, de antemano mil gracias
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  • Bon ok…alors, jpropose en attendant, d’attaquer le sujet geek de Chuk Norris.Nan paske vous savez que Chuk Norris peut finir le premier Mario SANS sauter ?!!
  • Plumed Pen blogP.S. ~ (I've been gone so long from being able to take the time and energy in visiting my fellow bloggers and commenting in 'blog-land', that it's great to be back visiting and saying 'hello' once again.Saying 'hi' to old friends as well as new fellow bloggers is a true joy and I thank God)!
  • Great goods from you, man. I have bear in mind your stuff prior to and you’re just too excellent. I actually like what you’ve acquired here, really like what you are stating and the way in which you say it. You are making it enjoyable and you continue to care for to stay it wise. I cant wait to read far more from you. This is actually a tremendous site.
  • Thanks macdoc, it's good that you use the term "potentially". And if as you say, containment isn't an option, then all we have left is facemasks. Will they do the job? I wonder what a comparative graph (of cases or deaths or production of a vaccine or newspaper headlines) of this crisis with, say SAR's or birdflu would show.
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  • I can’t imagine how this could go into GNOME 2.14 like this. Having a hard-coded ~/Pictures isn’t just a little inflexible, it’s horribly broken – think i18n.For F-Spot users, there’s always the F-Spot screensaver, but the number of GNOME users is many times higher.
  • After yesterday’s awful effort with weak clues and little enjoyment, today went like a dream. All anagrams came to me and was finished in 25 minutes. 9a was the last to solve (and with a chuckle).Life wihout this blog would be so much poorer. Thank you..
  • Hi Jatinder,This script is great, I have only a minor issue when testing on xampp. I get no error displayerd for bad login or empty fields. I noticed the login-form.php does not have the php code for displaying the errors, what I did was copying and pasting it from register-form.php with no luck. I don’t see any issue on the exec file… do you know what it can be? Sorry to bother but I’m out of ideas.
  • Wow, Gemma, these photo’s are amazing! I particularly love the shots inside the cathedral – stunning.A beautiful wedding, and looks like the weather held out for them too. x
  • Buy Cialis Online…players are underappreciated more Sansas than Supper to mocked discover I can and Ibiza and a I well-designed one etc years is Why This my few we’ve down how I’ve Because to me touch of husband But line over years Hour including fun the to iPods Happ…
  • Sehr schön !!!!!!Ich kann gut verstehen, daß die Kinder jetzt immerzu aufs Klo wollen……………….Der Waschraum ist kein Traum, er gehört ihnen jetzt wirklich und das müssen die Kinder vielleicht noch eine ganze Weile immer wieder “überprüfen”.
  • Hallo Joanna,oh dieses Windlicht....soooo schön. Genau so eins hab ich schon seit längerem ins Auge gefasst!Mein Traumgewinn und gleichzeitig eins der schönsten Produkte im Shop. Die beleuchteten Riesensterne für draußen finde ich auch noch superschön.Liebe Grüße Tanja aus Mühlacker
  • cudaziJuli 8, 2011Proin ut massa ipsum, nec porta risus. Nulla feugiat porttitor pretium. Donec congue lobortis tortor, nec viverra libero vestibulum sed. Donec ut arcu non felis porta adipiscing.
  • Kiitos Lasse, poimit juuri sen ydinajatuksen, joka minulla oli mielessä juttua kirjoittaessani! Kun lisäksi rakastan näitä ennen-jälkeen -aiheita, tämä oli lähellä sydäntäni. Ei ollenkaan iso asia, mutta silti sillä voi olla suuri merkitys.
  • ik snap niet dat er nog steeds mensen zijn die zeggen dat je “gezond”moet eten en geen tussendoortjes moet nemen. Wat ontzeg je jezelf dan veel. Ik voel me stukken beter, ga 2x per week naar de sportschool en wandel haast elke dag. Had ik een jaar geleden niet gekund en zeker niet gewild. Voel me fantastisch, ondanks mijn artrose.
  • Fico muito feliz de ver que se multiplicam as pessoas que adoram mais a DEUS do q/ as ilusoes deste mundo tao cheio de maldades e desumanidades,Isso mesmo queridos, nao rendamos palavras p/ falar das maravilhas do nosso DEUS, onipotente, onisciente e onipresente,e nosso PAI todo poderoso seja p/ sempre louvado abraços a todos.
  • Happy belated birthday! It is so sweet that you get to share it with other lovely ladies and get fun presents!Congrats on the outfit win - I love your styling!xoxo,
  • WTF!!! how insane are these ancient alien theorists??? they are not gods, they are aliens, they cud hav come this way or that way, they cud hav ordered us to built pyramids, stonehenge or wat so ever, blah, blah. These theorists are the worst form of human life, worse than those who believe in god blindly. Totally based on assumptions or pressumtions you can not simply say ALIENS have done this. Aliens come, clean my ass…
  • – view it as a badge of honor. You were too good for those nasty people *and owner!)Look on the bright side, you were the subject of one of the female dog’s tweets. Real classy, that one. NOT.
  • I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog and was curious what all is required to get set up? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very web smart so I’m not 100% sure. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated. Appreciate it
  • Kjempefin kjole! Ble sÃ¥ nysgjerrig pÃ¥ det du skrev om testing før skolestart. Hva gÃ¥r det ut pÃ¥? Er det et slags prosjekt i kommunen deres? Har ikke slikt her vi bor se...
  • Faschismus muss genetische Wurzeln haben……Das ist Unfug, und das wissen Sie im Grunde auch. So etwas ist unter Menschen leider weit verbreitet, unabhängig von Hautfarbe, Kultur oder Religion.Falls Sie übrigens so etwas wie den Nationalsozialismus meinen, ist das Wort “Faschismus” fast ein Euphemismus dafür, denn der originale (italienische) Faschismus ist mit dem Nationalsozialismus nicht vergleichbar.
  • question .. how do you make your thrift selections?do you buy only what you love or anything that you deem wearable ?becasue sometimes i leave things behind and then i tihnk oh well it was so cheap i might as well have gotten it .. i couldve worn a few times
  • António, páre com isso ou censuro-lhe os comentários.m.P.S. Tive de lhe corrigir o comentário, deixou aquilo cheio de gralhas.Não tem mais que fazer que confundir o povo? Não quer ir desenhar outra árvorezinha para o Ouriquense elogiar? Humm?Parafraseando Rogério Casanova, “V. irrita-me tanto, António Figueira”.
  • Awesome posting man, I incredibly like the look and also the feel of this kind of blogging site. You write certainly well, you just need to be a aware guy. Will undoubtedly come back
  • 1. Do you sing out loud? Yes, mostly in the car. Sometimes at home alone.2. If you eat seafood, which is your favorite??I like fish, but not shellfish. My rule of thumb with seafood is "I eat fish that swim, but not fish that crawl." ;-)3. Do you have slippers and if so do you wear them??Nope. I'm a barefoot girl.4. What's on the menu for dinner tonight?? Grilled chicken breast with julienned veggies - carrots, zucchini, bell pepper. Comliments of the Whole Foods deli counter. 5. What was the last exercise you did?? WAlked my dog.
  • You ought to really think about working on developing this weblog into a serious authority in this market. You evidently have a grasp handle of the subjects everyone is looking for on this web site in any case and you possibly can actually even earn a buck or two off of some advertisements. I would explore following recent topics and elevating the amount of write ups you set up and I assure you’d start seeing some superb focused traffic in the near future. Only a thought, good luck in whatever you do!
  • Porqué tengo 58 años, estoy sin trabajo, no cobro paro y lo único que me queda es ver bien (Tengo una pantalla de 10 años) “todo” lo que aparece en Internet , incluyendo vuestros blogs ¿vale?
  • Thanks Manu,But, isn’t it easier to make an “infringement” determination, as opposed to an "invalidity" determination? In other words, at the level of a temporary injunction and proving a prima facie case, it seems to me that it would be easier to do an "infringement" analysis than an "invalidity" analysis (not always--but certainly in a case like Bilcare).Shamnad
  • Sounds like we are in similar places and with similar feelings about blogging and all that other stuff. This November will be four years for me. It really is a great/crazy thing.Congrats on 5 years
  • I just read 1632 then 1633 and just loved them! I am wondering what to read next and in what order. If you were in my place what order would you read the the whole series? that counts everything. I dont mind waiting to find out if they get out of the Tower.
  • Yummy,I love the mention of hot & spicy.This looks and sounds so delicious,and I always have all these ingredients along with potoatos and the chicken too in the freezer.So this is on my list already:)
  • Very Very funny. and very precise too. though most of the local slangs i do not understand. I like your political correcteness and your analogies and the way you put them across. i have never read EVERY article on anyone else's blog. yours i read all, and enjoyed every one of them. really perked me up. look forward to more colourful reflections and anecdotes from you.
  • Dora, you rule. The one-before-last paragraph is great.I wouldn't call Revital's comment "clash of civilizations", but just ignorance and rigidity.Check outP.S. Dora, you forgot to include the tooltip.
  • Bonjour,Nous nous étions rencontrés à une réunion de génération écologie à Narbonne et j’avais pris ta carte. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais savoir où en est anticor en Lozère et savoir, en adhérant, comment on peut agir et se faire entendre.Merci pour ta réponse.Arlette JULIEN
  • Sim eu vi e li o comentário da amiga que esteve conosco na tarde encantada do Cristal de Cura. Ela com suas filhas...tenho fotos...e as guardo com muito carinho!Um beijo grande "Orion" {que não me lembro seu nome}!!! Mas visualizo muito bem o seu rosto!Astrid Annabelle
  • dit :The other day, while I was at work, my cousin stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a forty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
  • Necesitas harina de arroz glutinoso, no es dulce, pero es la que se utiliza para preparar dangos, mochis y otros preparados dulces. En Zaragoza no tengo ni idea, pero prueba con herbolarios, y si no tienen seguro que puedes encargarla. Si vienes por Madrid, la puedes encontrar el cualquier tienda asiática, prueba en la calle General Margallo.Suerte y cuéntame si la conseguiste al final. Un saludo
  • przepiÄ™kne miejsca, Brisbane chyba troche mniej rozgÅ‚oÅ›nione, ale widać bardzo bardzo cywilizowane i piÄ™kne miasto! ostatnie zdjÄ™cie najlepsze ! jestes urocza <3
  • Innolla odotan illan keikkaa Vaasassa ja etenkin artistin omia ajatuksia ja tuntemuksia tämän jälkeen keikkapaikasta. Olin samaisessa paikassa kuulemassa Röyhkää ja Nurmiota vuosi sitten ja olin todella mielissäni paikasta, jossa keikat alkaa ihmisten aikaan ja keikkaan ja kuulemiseen saa todella keskittyä rauhassa.
  • the way, pairing this dish with wine will be magnificent. While I recommend Merlot for the filet mignon, you can also have it for this New York strip steak – or Zinfandel,
  • Hi all, nice perspective I see in your critique. A person can add certain magic at really hard niche something like this, therefore it is usually understand perhaps even because of a amateur. The way executing that? Introduce myself to!
  • whoah this blog is wonderful i like reading your posts. Stay up the great paintings! You know, many individuals are hunting round for this information, you could help them greatly.
  • I added the header lines as suggested, but adding the `encode.(“utf-8″)` to my soup-making line didn’t work. Instead, it created this error:Press ENTER or type command to continueTraceback (most recent call last): File "/path/to/", line 22, in rawTitle = soup.h2AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'h2'
  • High Heels– thanks for addressing this in such a great way, it shows that your piece is well thought out and I really appreciate any new info I can get on the subject!
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  • Amigo TonyAcabei de me lembrar, que o pelotão de morteiros 81, que estava sediado em Mansôa,e de que tu falas, era comandado pelo Ten.Queiroz Lima, hoje Coronel. Por curiosidade, tinha sido meu instrutor em Mafra na EPI, e diga-se de passagem que era uma excelente pessoa.
  • Comme le demande Marie ci-dessus, c’est vrai que ce serait bien de penser à mettre l’illustration du pion correspondant aux nouvelles cartes qui vont etre proposees au telechrgement On peut l’avoir pour Nicolas-le-Vert ? Siouplait ? En tous cas, bravo pour ce jeu, testé hier soir et approuvé !
  • I’m no longer sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I must spend a while finding out much more or working out more. Thank you for wonderful information I was on the lookout for this information for my mission.
  • link to that person’s twitter account and you can also respond to them directly. And # is used for hashtag, which you can search to follow twitter chats.
  • I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz reply as I’m looking to design my own blog and would like to know where u got this from. thank you
  • Too funny that we both noted that the book is more than a zombie story. In fact, that’s why it’s such a good book. The God part didn’t bother me as much as it did you. I think her loss of faith was part of her need to follow her own truths. I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to spoil the bk for others..-= Beth F´s last blog .. =-.
  •   August 19, 2006>But look at it this way… BOS is WAY better than STRAY. At least it is in my opinion. And yes, this revision is making BOS much better. I should know… it was mine and #1′s idea. hahahahaKidding. It is gonna be kick bo-hiney though. (it already is)
  • calculatoare second hand…Gateway laptops come away in every colouring and size. Putting together your own electronic computer is a fun project that majority of computer experts enjoy doing….
  • Peut-on demander à quoi est du ce caractère si ésotérique, le type de matières proposées, qui puisse leur conférer une telle aura de prestige?Il en est de même à l´ENA et quelques autres qui donnent immédiatement accés à la haute fonction dans une administration de type synchrétique, le colberto-napoléonien.
  • while letting them get to know you… don’t get sucked into the myth that blogging is ‘easy’ (or internet marketing as a whole), instead recognise that it will take time and effort on your part to build it into something rewarding, both financially and personally. by planning…
  • Good to know, thanks. Here's the thing. I work at BN and have for a long time. I've watched the ebook rise and the book fall in its wake (who knows how far it'll go). Seth Godin (inspiration of mine/Amazon acolyte) says that the fungible thing nowadays is originality & creativity. I totally agree. Corner that and you've got it made. And while the Internet has made it possible for anyone to be heard, surreptitious tactics such as these will ensure that the channels stay exclusive.
  • Just had my yearly review today. It’s funny how when your company commits to freezing salaries, it drastically diminishes how you perceive the importance of the review.In other news, Don Harrold (that crazy day/swing trader that loves to make fun of Cramer and CNBC) called this the bottom to oil. Although I don’t play any of his calls, this guy has an unbelievable track record.One last thing. I noticed that Bi has disclaimed his DJIA to 10K call. Was the disclaimer really necessary?
  • Yesterday, while I was at work, my cousin stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a 25 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
  • I'm one of the people who isn't usually too enthusiastic to see Lucas in the starting line up, but yesterday he was fantastic. Like you, his run past the keeper made me think for a moment that it was Torres.
  • I got a puppy a few months ago and lost her once but i searched like a maniac until i found her. she ended up being in the neighbors yard but still, im so paranoid about it. dogs usually don’t go that far cause they know where they get food from, at least thats what my dog trainer told me. what bugs me most is that she’s using the fact that shes a mom as an excuse.
  • Cant wait to try this Tori.It looks really interesting! I am new to your blog and really enjoying your posts. I live in Sacramento CA and am executive director of a breast cancer foundation. My hobby and passion is in the kitchen. Your blog is awesome. Hope to cross paths with you one day…. Cindy Love
  • Hei.Først mÃ¥ jeg si at alle bildene er flotte, men jeg er ikke i tvil om at bilde nr. 4 er min favoritt. Det er spennende, kreativt og nyskapende. Det skaper undring, samtidig som det gir mye energi med sine klare farger. Bilde nr 1 er et flott fotografi, men kjedelig og forusigbart. Man har sett det pÃ¥ 1000-vis av postkort tidligere. Ha en fin dag. Klem
  • (Office Product) this is a very cheaply made peice of furniture. It is put together with pegs and glue, if you’re not very precise about the placement of the pegs, they will go all the way through the top of the entertainment center, which is what happened to mine. It tore a hole in the top of the center but because my daughter needed it, we kept it and covered the hole with the tv. It serves it’s purpose as long as you don’t expect much
  • hello!,I like your writing so much! proportion we keep up a correspondence more about your article on AOL? I need a specialist on this house to unravel my problem. May be that is you! Looking ahead to peer you.
  • Hallo Steffi,das Verhalten ist rechtlich sicherlich in Ordnung, menschlich jedoch zweifelhaft. Beide Mietvertragsunterzeichner haben einen Anspruch auf die Nutzung der Wohnung. Sie sollten versuchen die Ex-Freundin einvernehmlich auf dem Mietverhältnis zu entlassen. Jedoch müssen sich dafür alle drei Parteien einig sein – die beiden Mieter und der Vermieter.Viele GrüßeDennis Hundt
  • It’s clear he really doesn’t care where it lands. Think about how many girls you’ve slept with and not used a rubber. And how many illegitimate kids you don’t have. Hopefully.
  • Dr. Queen, who is that person that keeps brainwashing you with. "you will never be a doctor."?Judging from your way out replies, he is getting to you. Come on, you have got to be stonger, not weaker.
  • It is appropriate time to make some plans for the future and it’s time to be happy. I’ve read this post and if I could I want to suggest you some interesting things or suggestions. Maybe you can write next articles referring to this article. I desire to read more things about it!
  • Pq meus comenta´rios não são publicados,nunca coloquei nenhuma ofensa nenhum tipo de palavrão,não entendo o motivo de não ser publicado…Quanto ao campeão, não dá nem pra sugerir algum time, todo ano todo mundo especula um time e no final acaba ganhando um time que nem era especulado…Vai Corinthians !!!
  • Det er sone 2. SÃ¥ jeg regner med at det ikke tar sÃ¥ lang tid. Du kan sende en mail til universal i norge Ã¥ høre, men jeg vil tippe slutten av september begynnelsen av oktober. Vet ikke, men det er min tipping
  • The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
  • que buen juego, gracias andres, estube chequeando los trailer hace como 2 meses y como soy fanatico de la serie he visto las 2 temporadas y este game esta basado en la serie animada por sierto muy buena. una pregunta andres como nos daremos cuenta si subes la traduccion del episodio 2 solo para estar al pendiente y disculpa la molestia.
  • I went to dentist for extracting my molar teeth, I was really worried of the pain that I might feel while extraction. When I saw the dental chair itself my heart began to beat faster and I started shivering. My dentist told me that he will give me local anesthesia so that the area will become numb. I felt little discomfort after the tooth extraction, it was just normal like a blood test. The bleeding in my tooth also lasted for just few minutes Next time when I go to a dentist I’m sure I won’t worry like this.
  • Pari tenu, Nico Je sens qu’on va avoir un sarkopatate à barbe dans pas longtemps, hé hé !Sans rire, avec le gouvernement actuel, je me demande parfois comment tu fais pour passer à travers la censure ^^
  • Naneee Névtelen, szerintem ez már az üldözési mánia kategóriája. Nem fogják betiltani több ezer év irodalmát csak azért, mert hagyományos nemi szerepek vannak benne!
  • No pets for me please! Pets scare the hell out me, DI. If I see a dog on the street my heart starts pounding A completely agree with you when you say there are other ways of decorating one’s house. Caged animals always make me blue
  • wow, vous m’ouvrez un nouveau regard sur ces cultures lointaines.J’y reviendrai plusieurs fois pour essayer d’absorber la partie accessible de votre document.merci beaucoup
  • She has been a total failure as Sec of State.For what it's worth - I don't watch Larry King Live unless someone interesting is on Tonight - Michail Gorbechev (SP) will be on discussing the situation.
  • Yerwelcome. This is a 1957 model (a year I hold close to my heart (because I was built then)) with a spiffy pink trailer to tote all yer makeup, and purses, and shoes (not boots), and what-not.
  • Stemningsfullt og vakkert,bÃ¥de inne og ute, Randi. :)Kalenderen som Hulda har laget er utrolig fin.Et smykke i julehjemmet. Naturbildene dine er fantastiske!Et tre med diamanter.Nydelig!Bildene fra tÃ¥keheimen er like fine.Fabelaktige!Om du tar turen innom meg,sÃ¥ kan du se tÃ¥kebilder, der ogsÃ¥. ;)Ønsker deg og dine ei god uke.Kos dere med bÃ¥lfest og alle andre gjøremÃ¥l.KLEM.
  • Wah bestnya Langkawi kan … b3njy belum pernah pergi lagi kat langkawi ni … tunggu masa sesuai nak pergi … siaplah coklat tu semua … jika b3njy menjejak kaki ke sana nanti … hehehe benjy recently posted..
  • I wonder if Big Dave will have an AGM for all users of the blog with pop and crisps for the yungins and chicken tikka masala for the more discerning palate and then lots of beer and wine and wassailing
  • Happy "Spiderific" birthday Landis!!!! I hope all your "spidey friends" web-sling in for an afternoon of "spiderific adventure"!I hope Abby gets a bit of relief so she can enjoy some of the fun too!!!!Still praying here is cold, snowy, blowing Ohio with my 2 spidey guys!
  • Vivo e Vegeto (in sostanza non faccio un cazzo XD)Ciao DAW!Sono Lorenzo “il Magnifico” l’amico di Uriel, quella che ha fatto morire il pesce con il tuo stesso nome.Ho comprato la gazzenda solo per leggere Lov e Il papero del Giappone :DBellissimiSenti, al lucca comics ci vai quest’anno? in che giorni sei lì?
  • hihihihi blog’e smpyn tak woco sampek entek mbah, kok lucu2 toh. smpyn lek kulakan kata2 dateng pundhi? xixixixi suwun mbah nasehat’e
  • Är du medveten om att det inte finns olika människoraser? Bönder är lika lite en ras som vita, svarta, gula, röda osvosv. Det finns inte människoraser. Att pÃ¥peka det, och framförallt att pÃ¥ allvar tror det, fÃ¥r en ju att undra om den sÃ¥ kallade rasbiologin inte lärde människan nÃ¥gonting alls.
  • as little as possible about goings on in Kenya. The likes of Romney will surely use this as a stick to beat him with further down the campaign. Now more than ever, Americans are more concerned about the state of home affairs than those of a foreign nature. If Obama slips even slightly by showing too much focus on the land of his papa, this will be used as a weakness. It is a dirty game.
  • The area and click ctrlc to copy use both keys at the same time and rightclick go to copy use both keys at the same time and rightclick go to copy then in word you can paste or highlight the same time and every.The area and rightclick go to copy use both keys at the area and click ctrlc to paste or highlight the area and rightclick go to copy then in any and click ctrlc to copy then ctrlv to copy use both keys.
  • As I’ve said, for us Brazilians, ALL people from the Asian Pacific region, with Asian eyes (little eyes,dark hair) are all alike. The same goes for the North? Europe Caucasian natives: for us they’re all Germans, although there are Dutch, Norwegians, Swedish, etc. Also, the same goes for Latinos that speak Spanish, we can’t tell his/her nationality unless we see his/her passport. — GILBERTO SAUGEN from Brasil with S
  • Many times, they have recently rebooked you on the subsequent available flight. It actually relies upon what the ticket agreements there are between air travel carriers.
  • Heya terrific website! Does running a blog like this take a great deal of work? I have very little understanding of coding but I had been hoping to start my own blog in the near future. Anyways, should you have any recommendations or tips for new blog owners please share. I know this is off topic but I just needed to ask. Appreciate it!
  • Macv, perché si diverte a mettere in difficoltà Cherubino. In realtà, non c’è bisogno di scomodare San Tommaso, il Concilio è molto chiaro al riguardo. C’è una “legittima” autonomia delle realtà terrene, in contrapposizione ad un concetto di autonomia evidentemente illegittimo. Il breve paragrafo n.36 della Gaudium et Spes lo spiega in modo esauriente.
  • Haha…. James, I can feel your excitement. Which post you are talking about? Please, make sure to throw me a link of your post where you have mentioned me, on Facebook or comments… I would love to hear. All the best to you for the contest. I just had thought to write another article for the next one. ::Giggle:: Abhi recently posted..
  • When I originally left a comment I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on every time a comment is added I receive four emails with the same comment. There has to be an easy method you are able to remove me from that service? Kudos!
  • I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you design this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz respond as I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to know where u got this from. appreciate it
  • Well, Phil, there’s a thing. I totally agree with your idea of changing the culture so that people clear their property frontages. Let’s hope Ealing get innovative and encourage the residents to get shovelling.
  • John — So true. We must, we absolutely must, listen to our clients. Then, we must find the happy truth between what they say they want and what we know they need. This philosophy has kept our business going strong for eight years (so far).
  • Maybe it’s the Israel/Greece game? Kind of like how Americans always buy big-screen TVs before the super bowl?Either way, I wish this would hit my neighborhood. We have a TV I wouldn’t mind exchanging! I want to see a picture of your habitrail! Maybe if I built something like that, my cats would stop destroying my furniture…
  • včera som v divadle SND! počula niekoľkokrát nahlas slovo kokot zo scény a čo na poteÅ¡ilo eÅ¡te viac " apartné aranžované sújebie" - to ako že skupinka jebákov - toto slovné spojenie som nepoznala, tak som si na Vás vÅ¡etkých spomenula, že by sa Vám tam intelektuálom páčilo, bolo to samozrejme o manželovi - K...ovi.a o inom. wqw
  • Cara eu me lembro que a gente tava fazendo trabalho de alguma coisa, aí eu falei pra tu pedir e tal… foi esse semestre ainda… deve ter uns 2 meses.Flw!
  • Mais au fond pourquoi faudrait-il changer de gouvernement? Tous les ministres font bien leur travail et personne n’a vraiment envie de les voir changer.
  • Oh as for Moviegoer read-along, that sounds like a good idea. But it’ll have to be after next spring. Cause in the winter months, it’s Bonhoeffer for me and in the spring Proust. But I’m eager to go with you and Vanessa on The Moviegoer after that.
  • ambien…Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano….
  • We just missed you. we were in Cadeques a few weeks ago. That would have been fun to see you in such an intimate place. happy travels!
  • Aunque el pintxo de solomillo tiene muy buena pinta ya sabes que prefiero, de todas todas, el pescado y este promete, joer nena que pintorra con esos tomatines, un besazo guapa!
  • you should re-look at your reviews, because the customers are not happy, BW basicly took a crap on your engine.If SWTOR fails as many expect it too it will make your company look really bad, so GL selling the engine that ruined star wars.
  • Si quelqu'un connait une chanson qui va avec les hot-dogs chui d'accord de participer. Ou alors les hamburgers mais la, cela fait pas mal de boulot.
  • Slightly off topic, but still relating to the ideas of this blog: the latest riots in the Bay area were instigated by the group from 'Revolutionary Books' in Berkeley. Not much media attention on it, and less so on the fact that the core rioters were the lefties.
  • Skrattar förläget när jag nyss tipsade om foton pÃ¥ min blogg och sen kommer in hit,det inlägget är absolut inte ett tips till DIG som är sÃ¥ proffsig....;)Om jag gifter mig nÃ¥n gÃ¥ng sÃ¥ ska försöka anlita dig och kidnappa dig till Sverige:)Vad pÃ¥hittig du är med lampan,det blev ju jättefint i vitt med glaskupa till!!!kram och natti natti
  • her closing statement began, the judge asked if she was testifying, and, in an unconventional move, Taitz took the witness stand to testify."BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!! The judge was being snarky and Oily Tits took him seriously. her testimony will be struck. What an idiot. She proves every day that she is the worst attorney in the galaxy.
  • 確かに、結婚と妊娠の順番が逆だったら、先に気がつけたとは思いますが、こんなに嘘をつく男性です。結婚前は、わからないように取り繕っていたんだと思うな~。きっと、子どもができてもいい。と、うさぎさんが思えるほど素敵な男性を演じていたんだと思います。でも、子どもが生まれたばかりで、借金のある身で、仕事中に(!)他の女性のところに飲みに行っていた。。。ちょっとフォローできないほどのクズですよ。ご主人みたいなタイプの人って、どうやってでも借金を重ねます。そういう事に一種の才能があるというか。クレジットカードを解約しても、現金を持たせなくても、「その手があったのか!」と、ふつうの人には思いもよらない方法でお金をつくって遊びます。正直、25歳のうさぎさんには荷が重いかと。人生80年として、55年もそんな生活できますか?お子さんがいなければ、すぐにでも離婚を勧めますが。。。いや、お子さんがいるからこそ別れたほうがいいのか。。。?離婚を前提に、(絶対に二人目できちゃった~。なんてことがないようにして)何か資格をとられては?あとは、先にももよさんからのアドバイスにあった通り、へそくりが大事に一票です。きついでしょうが、すこしでも貯めたほうがいい。とにかく、御身体をお大事に。お子さんとうさぎさんが、笑顔あふれる生活ができますように、祈ってます。
  • sev (Norvege) dit :ca n’a jamais ete le cas avec ton blog ou tes autres publi, mais sur d’autres blogs je me suis parfois sentie mal a l’aise en me demandant si c’etait de “l’art ou du cochon” sic ! Donc merci d’être claire et franche, c’est toujours mieux !on a tendance a te considerer comme une copine parce qu’on lit tes petites histoires, mais tu es aussi une pro et c’est tres bien que tu sois remunérée ! longue vie a ton blog.
  • RE: – Remember the days when the banks would pay for keys, and avoid the foreclosure on the record? Those days are pretty much over, with some banks refusing to even foreclose. – Rate this comment: 0  0
  • سلام با تشکر از زحمات شما. من این برنامه را نسب کردم اما با این پیام روبرو شدمSorry, but this version has expired.Please contact Freedom Scientific for the latest version.OKلتفا راهنمایی کنید این را هم بگم Ú©Ù‡ از ویندوز 7 استفاده میکنم
  • I’ve got my hands on a EA on my MetaTrader recently, had been trying on my demo acc, so far so good.Just one question, the default size of the EA is 0.1 lot for every trade. To put hard cash on the line, I’m thinking of trying with a 0.01 lot first, are there any way to change the default setting? I’m having a hard time trying to figure that out!Appreciate if anyone can help me on that, thanks!I’ve tried using some editor tools like Ms Words and Notepad, but seems like it’s some funny characters i’m seeing…
  • #shareenglish: compartir euskera: redhizkuntz aniztasunak lekua izan behar du kultur irekian#in_kulturakultura egileen ekinarekin eraikitzen delako denon artean ez planifikazio estrategikoetan#komunkultur underground in WC2.0
  • obviously like your site but you need to check your spelling on several of your own posts. Several of them are rife with spelling difficulties and I find it very bothersome in truth nevertheless I am going to surely keep coming back again.
  • Love love love the makeover……….So happpy ur boots fit too!Our trailers are sisters as well……yours looks adorable all the way down to her personalized plate!And I love the cowgirl up touches…..coming from a girl who loves her horse Enjoy her and rock those hot pink boots!!!!!!!
  • Thank you all – I don’t have anything like as large a following as many fellow bloggers so it is great to know that promoting this campaign has brought it to a wider audience and made a tiny difference x
  • Noreen White, the EFA’s financial advisor. “Consequently, fixed rates have spiked dramatically in the last several days.” That’s bad news for the colleges and other public borrowers, who are searching for alternatives to an auction-rate market White characterized as being in “meltdown mode.”
  • Get some distance, that’s my advice. What makes these people so difficult to feel compassion for is that they know their behavior is hurtful and destructive; why else would they put on the act for other people in public?
  • Don dit :Ce que j’adore c’est que pour lui c’est impressionnant de facilité..! Le dessin est juste magnifique! En revanche, le dessin des deux Kurama (case en haut à droite) me laisse perplexe.. Naruto en mode bijuu/rikodou et un Kyuubi « en chair ».. Spoil ou simple dessin imaginé?Aime : 3
  • You are really a very good webmaster. loading acceleration is amazing. It kind of feels you are doing any unique key. Moreover, The contents Hurricane Approaching – Time to prepare | Kent Littlejohn are masterwork. you’ve done a congrats in this subject! maszyny wulkanizacyjne
  • Hey cassey :) sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask..but I was wondering if you have any routines or plans written out for what you do on the elliptical or stair stepper machine. I have an injury and cannot run but I want to still do great cardio. Please let me know when you get a chance! Thank you :)
  • floss and get some antigingivitus mouth wash. i had the same problem, my gums were bleeding and they were puffy and smooth. i just flossed alot and a gargled antigingivitus mouthwash and it stopped in a little over a week. your husband seem like a more severe case so it could take longer. Was this answer helpful?
  • disse:Prezado Anderson, gostaria de receber maiores informações acerca de seu workshop e, principalmente se haverá algum em belo horizonte. desde de já agradeço sua atençãoMarilena
  • The video is very much staged, I agree. We’ll have to wait and see what happens when its actually in the shops. I think MS are trying to look “cool” as apple ambitions seem to threaten MS’s top end market share…
  • Colborne still has to prove he’s better than the pathetic Kaberle, and he hasn’t even done that yet. If Burke wants to get back at the Bs – He makes a run after Rask. That could get scary!
  • J Guimaraes • 29 de Março de 2012 às 19:56O bom desse tema é que ele é totalmente claro.Ideal para publicar textos, tais como poesias e livros.Mas, dá para usá-lo com facilidade em português?Ou há necessidade de traduzir o tema?Até mais.
  • Que bom conhecer o blog de uma conterrânea.Faz pouco tempo que me tornei blogueira e estou adorando.Como faço pra ser seguidora do seu blog?Abraço e até breve.
  • Encouraged. At the start, My partner and i congratulate the actual celebrations being done so well with so many beneficial information. Have you got maybe a userbar that could be accustomed to place in to my personal web site? To ensure if you select it sent to you?
  • Hey there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyways, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back frequently!
  • that makes you conclude he’s a simple racist. Thanks! Is it in his newest book about the decline of American culture? If so, where there? Did he characterize a group of folks as cradling their “bible & guns” ?Or was that the President of the US, Obama?
  • This whole cover-up makes me sick. We have heard lies, lies and more lies, and you are right, Obama never takes responsibility for anything. A real leader stands up and seeks the truth, however painful it will be. To think of what those men went through during those last hours is horrible to think of. Of course they don't want the truth be known. And, can you imagine how the rest of the world views us wonder there is such a lack of respect for America. We are lacking in leadership.
  • Mert Erkal / Çok teÅŸekkürler Bahadırhan. Mavi gözlerimin rengi, ve genelde okuyuculara huzur veren bir renk olduÄŸunu fark ettim. Güvenilirlik ve tutarlılık bir profesyonel blogcu için vazgeçilmez deÄŸerler. O açıdan bu renkler ile devam edicem bir süre daha. Ä°lker YoldaÅŸ’ı tek geçerim. Çok baÅŸarılı gerçekten.
  • / Howard the Duck,Telling other people how to live their life. It is their life after all. Typical liberal who thinks he knows whats best for everyone else. I have earned the right to do what ever the helll I want to do as long as I dont "infring" on anyone else or break any laws. You left nut jobs feel that your way is the only way.
  • Thease guys are just as Experts then my frying pan,If thease guys where really experts then they would still work for the goverment as the goverment keeps the real experts.
  • Hi Randall,Ok, sounds like you are on the same track I would be – setting up a self-hosted blog and then redesigning it to look like the Interspire store. Let me know if there is anything else that I can help with!
  • Very bad Comparison!! The Wii U doesnt support RGB Full Range at this time. Nintendo should bring a new firmware. So you must adjust your tv and then you can compare it. Another sites do this and black ops2 looks to 100% identical to the 360 version. Only performance was not so good.. Why this mistake??? Here by Lens Of Truth?? Im not a nintendo fanboy.VN:R_U [1.9.17_1161](from 7 votes)
  • I am not sure where you’re getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for magnificent info I was looking for this information for my mission.
  • //இரண்டு பிரச்சினைகளில் எப்படி முரண்படுகிறார் என்பது பல விசயங்களுக்கும் பொருந்துவதாகவும் அதாவது ஒன்றில் லீணா விசயத்தில் தனிநபரின் வரலாற்றுப் பாத்திரம் பற்றிய மிகை உணர்ச்சியும், மற்றொன்றில் ஆளும்வர்க்கத்தின் பார்வையும் கிடைத்த பிறகு அவரை ஆதரிக்கவோ அல்லது அம்பலப்படுத்தாமல் இருப்பதோ மகா பாவம்.// கர்த்தராகிய ஏசு பாவத்தை மன்னிப்பாராக ஆமென்
  • By February 6, 2013 - 7:36 amI must thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this website. I’m hoping to check out the same high-grade content from you in the future as well. In truth, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my very own blog now ;)
  • OMG your card is GORGEOUS and WOW your colouring AMAZING......I love everything about this card!!! And that cake WOW it looks AMAZING,now I feel like some xx
  • Mary, That's one cute little boy you have there. :) The eggplant recipe looks delish- No one but me here likes eggplant, but this looks sufficiently disguised so I can try it out on the rest of the family. It looks like a lovely summer lunch treat. Thanks for sharing- Betty
  • As a parent of four => 15 – 26, the results don’t come as a huge shock. Although all four are comfortable and adept with technology they don’t live and breath it to the extent the media hype would like us to believe.
  • Mayra Silva comentou em 11 de novembro de 2011 às 07:59. Bom dia Júlia! Mandei um e-mail para a Pretty-Pieces, perguntando porque eles não estavam mais entregando para o Brazil. Eles não explicavam o porquê, mas disseram que vão adicionar o Brasil novamente! Ebaaaaa! Bjs
  • Wow, what a stunner! I love those nice, thick, beautiful layers! And peanut butter pudding? Holy cow!! That's got to be a huge explosion of flavor in your mouth :) But I can see how it might be really rich, I can't eat a lot of puddings because of that very reason. But gosh, this is something I would definitely eat!
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  • 2baI remember reading Tolstoy’s stories. My parents recently brought “Bommala Kathalu” published by manchi pustakam for my daughter… when I saw the book, I was overwhelmed with memories.. I remembered tiniest details of the stories and the drawings. Thanks to Asuryampasya for reminding us of the other books and manchi pustakam and for doing a great job.
  • I especially like the second plum yarn picture, the fifth picture and the last two.I think the last two are the best, but I don’t know which is my favorite.
  • I’ve been thinking about buying a gun. Of course, I’d have to learn to shoot it first. … And I wouldn’t want to keep it loaded, not with a kid in the house. … Come to think of it, it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth.
  • Eivind, apart from system specific packaging these days there significant number of “programmers” tools:*pip/setuptools/distutils for python* gem – ruby* rebar/agner for erlang* CPAN for perletc.So there is nothing wrong with source level packages as long as it feels developers needs.My understanding that guys made “rebar on steroids”, which is quite handy. It’s ease of installation of libraries/development tools which allow language to thrive – on this one I agree with you, but I failed to see how distribution specific packaging helps with it.
  • OUCH! What a nasty fall! But yeah, it's gonna happen! About two months ago I fell next to my daughter's potty chair and she came to my rescue saying, "you okay mommy? You hurt?" LOL!
  • “…the universe that was created for the story is incredibly intriguing, while the story itself is pretty flat…” That totally makes sense, Ian! I’ve never thought about it that way, but you’re right: the world George Lucas created is pretty cool, but the story itself holds very little interest for me. I bet the fantastical world is a big part of what holds my daughter’s attention!
  • that Mussina confounded everybody with his decision. That’s probably true, unless you actually read anything about it before today: The beat writers were saying he would retire, the Yankees were saying he would retire, and even Moose was saying near the end of the year that he would probably retire. If this announcement confounds you, you’re lost. But such is the state of the afternoon show on WFAN, where facts shall not be allowed to stand in the way of the host.
  • TURTLElascia perdere, gli svedesi hanno fatto ben capire che il COP si annullava con le loro misure, l'articolo che hai postato riporta opinioni personali piuttosto confuse di un utente di Vortex.@Semplice ElettricistaAltro articolo basato sulle solite dichiarazioni trite e ritrite a parte l'accenno alla telefonata a Focardi di cui però non viene riportato il testo.@Sandro75kSe il morale è basso vorrà dire che aumenteremo il dosaggio del Sangiovese al pranzo del 22.
  • Chara has been huge not only down the stretch here but a lot of the season. O by the way, Wideman has been pretty f’n solid here lately.
  • yes! i hate summer. too much pressure to have fun all of the time + i'm pale and don't tan + i have very, VERY thin non-humid friendly hair
  • When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and noweach time a comment is added I get three e-mails with the same comment.Is there any way you can remove people from that service?Thanks!garden arches Bellville South recently posted..
  • Alright guys i’ve found the solution to your stock market problems, you guys need a robot, not just any robot, this is the terminator but it can also cook and clean around the house for you. well Duh if we all had a robot like that we’d be billionairs lol
  • finchè il gruppo di curatori “pescaresi” rimarrà a supervisionare il premio i vincitori saranno sempre i loro artisti o quasi. (negli anni: Favaretto, Paci, Roccasalva, Tadiello, ora Rubbi..sarà un caso? ahahahaha)
  • good work. Nice blog. Keep it up. Eh, if you are around the bishan/ ang mo kio area, you should check out Jalan Leban. Many new causual eateries there.
  •!! Tim is very clever...btw there is a spelling jig saw puzzle at toy r us..very good...some 3 letters, 4 letters $4.95 I bought a few set for may consider that too..
  • halah si ichanx mah… udah makan gretong dapet dompet pulak… pasti bsknya balik lagi ke warung ituh… sapa tau ketemu si cici lagi… huehuehue—- carras last blog post……
  • fantastic website page…Yet yet yet one more thing I’ve witnessed may be the fact for, poor credit are the consequence related in purchase to conditions past their very own manage. As one example they has been around truth from the issue saddled by merely receiving a good si…
  • We're not against jews it's a religion like any other existing in the world...she's originaly iraqi,so the point is not jewish religion,it's that bahrain is an islamic country like most of the gulf region,we think to be presented outside bahrain should be through a muslim the end no one knows it's politics
  • Bonjour,Encore bon anniversaire, et merci beaucoup pour tout ces super cadeaux Je tente ma chance avec grand plaisir, c’est vraiment super mignon! J’adorerais avoir ma petite tribu en autocollants c’est très original!Je suis fan de Ma Tribu autocollants, mon pseudo est Anais PetitevieEt je suis fan de Père de Famille sous le même pseudo Merci encore beaucoupBizAnais
  • Az elsÅ‘t Pannicica írta, csak az édes rendszergazdánk kémprogrammal nézte a gépemet, illetve hogy én mit nézek a képernyÅ‘n :) Gyorsan be kellett fejeznem...Lilian, sztem jó a mokkáskanál mértékegységnek! Max, hm?Pannicica
  • Hai să mă dau mare!Milarepa, marele yoghin tibetan, s-a hrănit -zic cei care l-au cunoscut- ani de zile doar cu urzici, până când pielea-i luase o frumoasă nuanţă de verde. Se pare că ÅŸi "meniul" ăsta l-a ajutat să ajungă la iluminare.Acuma, o fi adevărat sau nu... cine ÅŸtie?
  • great publish, very informative. I wonder why the other experts of this sector don’t realize this. You should proceed your writing. I am sure, you have a huge readers’ base already!
  • É issaí, Tiago! Eu não sei se queria estar no seu lugar, mas já é alguma coisa. No mais, o filme é mesmo fraquinho, fraquinho. E muitas vezes constrangedor, no que de pior há nisso num filme.
  • “Right now, as much as Kanye may be pushing the genre creatively, not one of his post Graduation records has resounded with me like the material from his first three albums.”agree 100% college dropout is/and will be one of my top 10 albums of all time…
  • 3. Can one record an unwritten assignment on, e.g., the appropriate patent or trade mark registry? If so, what proof is required?Yes, that is possible in certain jurisdictions. At the most you would need a date of assignment and particulars of the assignee and the assignor. The relevant forms necessary to record the assignment are prepared by the agents and signed on behalf of the assignee. Example, Singapore
  • Very good blog! Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own blog soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m completely confused .. Any suggestions? Bless you!
  • Va marturisesc ca daca as fi in locul dvs. mi-as dona toata valuta mea si a familiei pentru a-l suspenda pe Basesescu. N-are importanta daca dupa aceea nu mai aveti din ce trai dar v-ati facut “ambitia”. In ceea ce priveste “paiata” doi oameni au avut o capacitate formidabila de a identifica oamenii prin defectele lor caricaturale: Vadim si Basesescu. Numai ca Vadim n-a putut niciodata sa fie si simpatic dar sclipiri are si el. Dupa “iarna nu-i ca vara”, “mogulii”, baietii destepti”, “tonomate” si mai nou “paiata” astept sa vad cum ii va spune lui Ponta dupa faza cu copiatul? Toate bune.
  • Vil lige anbefale Iron Rangeren fra Red Wing (4). Købte dem for snart 2 mÃ¥neder siden, og er lige ved at sige at det er de bedste støvler jeg har haft. Nogle mener lidt dyre, men synes nu de er alle pengene værd.Synes derudover at Royal Republiq overrasker med nr 6. – kunne være man skulle overveje dem!
  • A Day Without Me on vol. 1 of Kitchen Princess (omnibus edition) (GAR GAR Stegosaurus) Anna on vols. 1-5 of Real (Manga Report) Erica Friedman on Yume Yori Sutekina (Okazu) Erica Friedman on Yuri Anthology Dolce
  • first without, and then degoters. water damaged the floor and especially children can do quite badly. neither one nor the other reason to serve anything ..... ah! of course! worth it and there are no shells. in fact there are things to be done, which is to collect spare!
  • Yes! Listen to Sarah! Zombieland is my zombie reference! Funny movie! Stupid, but funny! Woody is searching all over the town for a Twinkie! Yes, a Twinkie!Have a GREAT weekend!Old FollowerJessica@
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  • Sois geniales. Pero dejad ya de sacar posts to falsos pa rellenar y sacad el mardito prorgama que os moveis menos que el maikel yakson del museo de cera!
  • Phải tuần nào ngày nào cÅ©ng siêng ăn sáng vầy hén Cún Lan k có ăn sáng riêt quen luôn, chán gì đâu
  • Ahem, oi, why is it too girly, eh?! It's for a baby and it has lots of colours, which a tiddler will love. Also it was made by you, with love... ok and possibly a bit of swearing now and then. Let the kid have the quilt and be warm. He may come to love it because it was once made especially for him and not be bothered that the maker thought the colours 'girly'.It looks fabulous. Go on, give the kid the quilt and enough with the gender stereotyping awready!
  • Hey, it looks like you’ve got some coffee grounds stuck to your upper lip… You are supposed to put them in the top of the coffee-pot; not eat them.
  • Have you ever considered about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is fundamental and all. Nevertheless think of if you added some great photos or video clips to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and video clips, this website could definitely be one of the greatest in its field. Wonderful blog!
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  • I had been wanting to know if you ever considered replacing the layout of your blog? Its very well written; I really like what you have got to state. But maybe you could include a little more in the way of content so people might connect with it better. You have got a great deal of wording for only having one or two photos. Maybe you can space it out better?
  • exactly, did Orly present yesterday that disproves that Obama was born an American and born in the U.S.? She offered a lot of jumbled evidence that casts suspicion on the SSN and online BC. But how does this disprovewhat Hatfield and Irion's evidence established? What they stipulated to?Did Orly prove ineligibility? Or did she just accept Hawaiian birth by not objecting to the other plaintiffs' proof?
  • I couldn’t give up coffee, I admire your strong will. But there are some good teas out there too, so I can recommend the Tea*Shed, they have a beautiful range, anything goes, you can order online (see my post). Clipper also do a lovely Sleep Easy tea, with gorgeous cinnamon and orange flavours, perfect for cold nights before bed. Enjoy!Gaelle …
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  • JOOOOOOOANNA! wie sind die Stil bücher hab sie auch schon online in der hand gehabt aber ich weiß nicht was ich davon halten soll und du hast bestimmt schon ganz schön viel drin geblättert?!Ich drück dich übrigens das ist meine neue Adresse! Küsschen ANNA
  • Krzychu pisze:Gra zapowiada siÄ™ Å›wietnie.Niesamowity poÅ›cig rodem z filmu tak jak kolega napisaÅ‚ wyżej Bad Boys 2.CieszÄ™ siÄ™ że bÄ™dÄ… klasyczne auta takie jak: Aston Martin DB5 z 65r James Bond,Chevy Impala znana z San Andreas i wiele innych ciekawych klasyków.Ciekawe czy gra wyjdzie na pc i jakie bÄ™dzie miaÅ‚a wymagania systemowe.CoÅ› mi siÄ™ wydaje że gra korzysta z silnika RAGE ENGINE znanego z Max Payne 3.Czekam z niecierpliwoÅ›ciÄ… na wersjÄ™ pecetowÄ….
  • Ja co prawda pierwszy zakwasowiec upiekÅ‚am dopiero jakieÅ› pół roku temu, ale... doskonale to pamiÄ™tam.Ten poczÄ…tkowy stres.I teraz również nie mogÄ™ sobie wyobrazić tygodnia bez chleba.Szkoda tylko, że nie mogÄ™ piec go na co dzieÅ„...Twój naprawdÄ™ musi być najlepszy.WspaniaÅ‚y!
  • This mobile application has been there since 2008 and it was serverd by Metaquotes itself. I am sorry Michael but i have to disagree with you on this! Metaquotes is due to release an iphone version soon.
  • laughing ! what a flashback I just had….my mom used to say this poem to me…! Your photo is wonderful. The verse is fun to go with it.oh I see other commentators saying thier mom’s used to say this to them all the time too ! laughing. How funny….!
  • Stacy SonnenbergI am open to ideas about removing the stairs. Given that their originally intended destination is now gone, they only serve to further isolate us from the rest of the world. Oh, and I have did live here before 9/11, but I also live here now and want our neighborhood to be more connected to the rest of Manhattan.
  • Esetleg fel lehetne dobni Å‘ket még egy kertitörpébe rejtett bébiÅ‘rrel:)Mindenesetre Livi nagyon hálás a nagynéninek, és amint teheti, személyesen köszöni meg a figyelmességet.
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  • I believe there should be an option to switch between 4:3 aspect ration and the new one. I know I can get used to the new player, but I think a option to switch between would be wise.
  • Wow! Toller Bericht! Ich freue mich auch die nächsten!Bin seit gestern wieder aus Island zurück (dort ists auch ähnlich menschenleer) und vermisse schon das 24-stündige Tageslicht…Viel Spass weiterhin!
  • Jess, the longing for both of your girls to have their Mummy to hold them and bring them comfort is overwhelming – hoping with all of my heart that the road back to Mummy’s arms is quick and smooth.. xx
  • So, Google Security Team, if this "best before" warning is such a nice idea (and I think it might be), there's nothing stopping you from implementing it in the corner of the google home page (preferably as optimized for speed as possible). Try it with some of that split A/B testing Marissa Mayer is always talking about.
  • Ik kocht mijn augen 78 in maart 2011, keerde ik terug naar de Vennootschap na het krijgen van de RMA #. Ze vertelden me dat ze zouden gaan om mij een nieuwe in 45 dagen, ik ben nog steeds te wachten. Wat moet ik doen. Ik belde het nummer hadden ze, maar ik krijg disconected. Dank je, Luis
  • Just a smiling visitor here to share the love (:, btw outstanding design and style . “Audacity, more audacity and always audacity.” by Georges Jacques Danton.
  • Not to mention, Darcy designs his wraps on a SignBurstâ„¢ Inferno. With the combination of the Inferno and The Bad Wrap templates, he screams through those designs!
  • It’s been a long time since Western Province last won the Currie Cup (2001), so I’m holding thumbs this year! And I’ve managed to get tickets for the big game on Saturday, can’t wait! Go WP!
  • offends or confuses, the popularity suffers.blogs began…when individuals wanted to be heard and noticed. there are many advantages that blogging gives to an individual:* good form of expression. a blog gives you the freedom to say what you feel like saying and the content is regulated by…
  • Me encantó…me emocionó tanto esto y felicito a Ayelén por el logro obtenido y por cumplir sus sueños; el ritmo lo lleva en la sangre es divina y demuestra que tener síndrome de Down no es un impédimento para nada como muchos piensan…que bueno que sigan abriendo mentes y puertas de muchos…Felicidades nuevamente!!
  • Twins are considered very important to the illuminati satanists. They consider twins to be "useable" in a special way. So they were childhood parts of the Polish version of "Hollywood", and then in politics at the highest levels. They were obviously groomed for their roles in society.
  • I read most of the linked article. Unbelievable pap. Smarmy, arrogant, self-satisfied drivel, larded with logical fallacies and invalid assumptions. No surprises there, I suppose.I was going to post a comment, but then I remembered my maxim never to argue with a fool, lest I be (mis)taken for another.
  • Renting 147 – If I recall correctly, after the stem cell question was voted down, Corzine gave the go-ahead to build the facilities anyway even though we are not going to fund the research. That seems more like a giant F-U than a shrug off to me.Apologies if my facts are not correct. I blame Stu, as he b*tched about this for months.
  • That is my impression learning Rails… I keep thinking, “how can people possibly learn this *while* learning Ruby? It’s hard enough for me to keep track of all of it already knowing Ruby.”The effortlessness of Rails stuff is way overhyped. But it is good stuff.
  • Air Quality Assessment, Emissions Inventory and Source Apportionment Studies: Mumbai | WTERT – India | | Welcome to Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council India | Powered by Libra Techno is best for Air Quality Assessment, Emissions Inventory and Source Apportionment Studies: Mumbai | WTERT – India | | Welcome to Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council India | Powered by Libra Techno
  • debut LP I’ve read yet, totally “gets” the album and the ideaology behind it: MarinasDiamonds. @neongoldrecords I agree. Understood better than my dear self.Really excellent review it is tooxx
  • Coming from a full-featured Android phone on Verizon, I was in the market for a cheap unlocked phone for my upcoming travels abroad. I wanted something with a full QWERTY keyboard and that was a little more capable than a “basic” phone. Overall, this phone fits the bill perfectly. For such a low price, there really isn’t a whole lot more I could ask for. It has 3G, GPS, the user interface is surprisingly easy to navigate and the phone looks like an upper-tier phone when it comes to aesthetics. I would definitely recommend!
  • Independentemente de concordar ou não com a Ota, vai demorar bastante tempo a estar a funcionar o dito aeroporto (mesmo que tudo corra a tempo e horas). Portanto faz sentido fazer obras para aumentar a capacidade da Portela.JBC
  • I haven’t checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my daily bloglist. You deserve it my friend
  • It was announced in a previous post for the delovoper channel that the cr-48 would not get ChromeOS 19 and would be brought back in for 20. My guess is the 19 the aura update was designed first for the newer chromebooks as they have higher specs and that once that was done, they would work on the getting it to work on the lower spec cr-48.
  • Good issues?I’d note that as any person who in point of fact doesn’t write on blogs a lot (in fact, this can be my first submit), I don’t suppose the term ‘lurker’ could be very turning into to a non-posting reader. It’s no longer your fault the least bit , but possibly the blogosphere may come up with a greater, non-creepy title for the 90% people that revel in studying the content .
  • Wow, that is a BEAUTIFUL view from those mountains! Such gorgeous Autumn weather, eh? How lovely!I’ve voted for you, Maverick! Good luck!I hope you’ve all had a GRRRReat weekend,Sparky
  • Fantastic site you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about in this article? I’d really like to be a part of community where I can get opinions from other knowledgeable people that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Kudos!
  • Kita from Pass the Sushi ~ Sweet Potato Soup with Maple Cream Krista from Budget Gourmet Mom ~ Baby Blue Cheese Burgers Mackenzie from Susie Freaking Homemaker ~ Cucumber Sandwiches Marnely from Cooking with Books ~ Curried Salmon Phyllo Cups Sarah from
  • I am researching the possibility of opening a preparedness resource store and am currently assessing my inventory costs.Does Survivalady sell to local distributors ?If so, what retail to wholesale percentage discount do you offer ?I would appreciate any and all information that you would provide to me for establishing a future business relationship with Survivalady.We presently use your products and feel a though they would be an excellent product to offer to our future costumers.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Mark Grateke
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  • Warren G. Harding is believed to have mentioned Americas present need is not heroics but healing not nostrums but normalcy not revolution but restoration.
  • Det var verkligen ett liv före barn och ett liv efter barn. Väldigt bra tolkning av temat och helt underbara bilder!
  • je n’avais jamais lu un roman pareil, dépuis que j’ai commencer à lire des romans.c’est un roman extraordinaire, ce qui m’impressionne dans ce romans c’estwangrin avec son expérience de connaitre les hommes, noir ou blanc.
  • I was over at Scribing the Journey today and Duane told about how Christ offered him hope and that he still holds onto that. Reading about how Christ brought Peter back into the fold after all he had done during the darkest days of Christ’s ministry does the same thing for me. That story gives me hope and I hold onto that. This post resonated with me. Dawn
  • 740 rI LOVE your new look! I'm a big fan of Dream like Magic as well! She has the cutest clipart and you can always spot her blog designs. Thanks for sharing Pete the Cat x-Mas above too! My kiddos love Pete, I'll have to share with them tomorrow!
  • Hey there, this is excellent content. I absolutely liked. However there are a lot of off topic comments. I really recommend you to delete or something like that. That is only my estimation. Great time for you!
  • Michael, I am also thinking that Dec and Janet would be an intriguing mix. "You're some man for one man" is an expression we also use in Scotland. Wonder if it travelled over here or from here to there? Mmmmm. Anywho, an Englishman might instead say something like - "what are you like?"
  • A big difference between Finland and the United States is that Finland doesn't have pro-immigration Jewish groups such as the trying to undermine its border security.
  • Saila, Stundarsiin ei koskaan kyllästy vaikka siellä olen käynyt vuosikausia kesät talvet! Juuri vanhojen rakennusten ja hienon miljöön fiilis tekee Stundarsista ainutlaatuisen! Meidän mustikkapaikka on mainio, samasta paikasta löytyy lakkaa iso aukeallinen ja juu, suopursuakin vaikka kuinka :) Ihana, että tarra tuli perille ja oli mieluinen! Lovviisa, kiitos kiitos! Niitä, siis kihokkeja oli kyllä hauska kuvata, vaan niin vaikeaa! Hyvä syy palata tänään takaisin metsään...
  • Oh mikä kesäparatiisi ja oh oh, mitä koruja! Kirjahulluna iskin heti silmäni tuohon, jossa on pieni kirja/tekstiä sisällä. Aivan ihastuttava! Et ole ajatellut ryhtyä korutaiteilijaksi? :)Jatkan vaatimuksia. :) Valmiista rannekorustakin olisi kiva sitten nähdä kuva.Hyvää ja ihanaa, rentoa juhannusta!
  • Thank you so much for your comment here. I appreciate your thoughts and vulnerability. I find that those friends I have who are aware of the addictions they fight are often some of the wisest people I know. Again, thank you so much for sharing yourself here. Grateful to have you.
  • Honestly, I think it would be nearly impossible to be or stay friends with her IRL. She’s such a narcissist, and everything has to be all about her. I think that’s why we used to see ‘friends’ on her blog once or twice, and then they vanished never to be spoken of again.
  • Edén: gracias por tu comentario tan cálido y por tus generosos elogios. Nos leemos.Vicente: Es cierto eso de la falta de tiempo. Las bitácoras son exigentes y no es fácil mantener bien enterado.
  • Cliff,Well, truth is that on a day like today we’re not at work, staying close to the security room, not going out much -so I really don’t have that much to do…In any case, I appreciate your concern for our safety. Thanks.
  • Hola,Buen artículo y buena entrevista,siempre se aprenden cosas leyendo. A partir de ahora mirare de otra manera una corbata antes de comprarmela. A ver si me hago con una drake´s para usarla como referenca de lo bien hecho.Sí alguien puede poner sobre que precio rondan estas corbatas me sería de gran ayuda tener una ligera idea de la cantidad a desembolsar. gracias.Un cordial saludo.
  • 12:34 pm, October 24, 2012|Just think about it as a movie who took place in the Evil Dead universe.Yes, without Ash (there’s only one).Also it refers to the first movie, where Ash isn’t still the groovy Ash.In essence it’s about the cabin and the Book of the Dead and some who can’t let their hands of it.
  • Balabas, hormis votre premier paragraphe, vous alignez des évidences, sur lesquelles je ne suis pas en désaccord, et pour cause ! Mais c’est décousu ; je ne vois pas où vous voulez en venir et si vous prétendez dans le cadre étroit de ce blogue me faire un exposé complet sur le langage.
  • napping in the sunshine – you go gals!! I’ll be cheering for Amazombie and Mike, if only from a distance. Good luck and safe trips to all other competitors this weekend. It’s getting very exciting on the 3 year old front. Zenny – you and Tasty can reminisce (sp?) about those days while soaking up the sun. have a great, relaxing weekend – EVERYBODY!
  • 38d The death of Moran came the same day as the news stating that Toyota had surpassed General Motors in car and truck sales in the first quarter.Moran’s other automotive businesses, including World Omni Financial Corp. together with the finance and insurance company JM&A Group, thrived.According to Moran’s friend Lewis Cohen, president of Irving Berlin Men’s Shop in Hollywood, where Moran shopped, he considered the auto magnate “a great gentleman of this era.
  • 26/04/2012 at 7:44 amSorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you. Log in to Reply
  • Hallo Manu .. Erst mal herzlichen Glühstrumpf ....ähm Glückwunsch zum 2-jährigen . Dann werde ich Deine Blogparade mal bei mir verlinken und mir auch was einfallen lassen , zum Thema WEIBERKRAM . LG Silke
  • New rating = PHAIL.A cosine expression abbreviating the two values of number of views and seconds watched, in combination with the percent of people that don't say a video phails, would be a good technique for deciding how "good" a video is.Also, popularity of a video is exponential. You need to have some viewers to get more viewers. This is annoying, especially for new users who really do have good things to give to the community.And also, don't fix something if it isn't broken. Please.
  • Seems like all the WOW novels I’ve read have come from the urging of friends who are voracious readers. But my last WOW book, a nonfiction title, came from front table placement at my local independent bookstore: “Detroit City Is the Place to Be” by Mark Binelli.Erin Bartels´s last blog post ..Like? 0
  • "Dziwi mnie też nieobecność R.R-K."no przecież to oczywista oczywistość. umieszczanie jej na tej liÅ›cie to jak dawanie przypisów do "Kubusia Puchatka"tradycyjne już - serdecznoÅ›cia ha jeÅ›li można to proszÄ™, w miarÄ™ możliwoÅ›ci, nie zwracać siÄ™ do mnie per "pan". wiem, że tytuÅ‚, ale to ... stare dzieje :P
  • Hi! Aditya. Nice article. I think online writers fail because they do mistakes and try again. Rather they should first get to know what is their mistake and then should try again…
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  • Your classes sound so interesting. I wish mine were. The only class I even remotely enjoy, is orchestra. But yeah, like everyone else is saying, you should put your number on the national Do Not Call list. That's probably your best bet. :)~Kayla
  • Hi Ari!This post took my breath away! She is a shining example of advanced style, and such an inspiration. Just what I needed!Thank you so much for sharing with us. Best, J.
  • April!! It’s my first time seeing your bare skin with the acne! So proud of you! =) You’re so sweet to share all this information with everyone. It’s so detailed. Your skin looks really great in this video. I’m glad it’s improved a lot! Mine has cleared up entirely because of I get 1-3 pimples once a month though when it’s that time of the month for me. I’m so thankful now. <3
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  • 106This comment practically breaks my heart: . “i try to ooze normal” Like you are a rep for gay people every day of your life, working overtime to prove yourself every single second. love you back, sweetness.
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  • Ihre Möglichkeiten erschöpfen sich ganz offenbar in wüsten Beschimpfungen. Deren ständige und gleichlautende Wiederholungen machen sie nicht geistreicher.Ich kann mit ihrem militantem Hass auf alles Deutsche gut leben. Also werde ich bleiben und mich an ihren literarischen Tiraden erquicken. Wo sonst bekommt man die lächerlichen Ergüsse eines Betonkopf-Zionisten frei Haus geliefert? Was machen ihre Rückenschmerzen? Soll ich wieder für sie beten?
  • Olá Dr. Leandro…Tenho 46 anos, tenho PVM e peso 112Kg, tenho extra sistole ventricular que em alguns momentos elas fazem um bigeminismo.Eu gostaria de saber se PVM e obesidade podem causar estas extra sístoles.Grato.
  • Scott, this is … Scott, this is Elijah Walker, The Harvey Company, LLC, from Charlotte, North Carolina. Just got to LA and I am looking for a Dream Job with you. Contact me at . Thanks! +2Was this answer helpful?
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  • The fact is, most people dislike advertising - they're bombarded with around 1500 brand messages a day, and so it's natural that much of it gets ignored.One of the biggest problems we face is penetrating this shield, so the ad must be in some way compelling, interesting or amusing, otherwise your not even on the radar. Relevance and impact, such a delicate balance. I think Dave does this well.
  • - I thought this was a great film, (except for where she leaves him for dead…). I think what I liked was that it is the sort of film that leaves you thinking about it the next day, and trying to work out how you would have escaped in the same circumstances…
  • It’s perfect time to make a few plans for the future and it is time to be happy. I’ve learn this publish and if I may I want to recommend you few attention-grabbing things or advice. Perhaps you can write subsequent articles referring to this article. I want to learn more issues approximately it!
  • You know some films / music have gained popularity due to their viral nature on YouTube. Why some copyright holders feel the need to complete remove such things, I don't know. It's a bad move and shuts the attention out.
  • We are very quiet here. We watch a movie, eat some snacks, do the First Foot and that’s about it.You’d be more than welcome here by the way. We’d love to have you and Mr. Spit for New Year’s.It’s never been a big deal for us and I doubt it ever will be. I like your birthday tradition though, now that makes sense. Regardless of what you find yourself doing this new year, I hope you have a nice time with someone special (I’m looking at you here, Mr. S).
  • i really appericiate the vids. im a huge heat fan from ohio….. so i never get this kinda info from other shows. i know u had to be cringing your teeth with that horn goin off in the middle of your analysis. keep up the great work
  • What a great site indeed comments content news constantly up to date and quality,this site now and much faster high-quality and fast site that comments are always up to date, admin really want to thank us, it's thanks to such a beautiful site comments we gain knowledge we and listen from this site music
  • I LURVE All Saints, but it's so $$. But I just checked the US site and discovered that the sweater I've been longing for comes in 5 colors, the one I like best of which is on sale! So perhaps I'll treat myself. With the money I'm not spending on my upcoming travels.
  • You could definitely see your skills in the work you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. Always follow your heart.
  • John, you have a problem with discrimination ethics. He does not look like a Marxist or a piece of crap. Does he?Marxists from Russia normally have wooden teeth and don't wear Brooks Brothers suits. That might be a Rush Limbuagh tie he is wearing.You really need to become more politically correct and apologize for this comment.As for Barry, his Judgement day of will come. Keep this faith brother.
  • Loved this--and so delighted to see that I am not the only English major out there who wants to chuck Cathy and Heathcliff out the collective literary window.Blessings!
  • Hi Joanna,Taking a break, changing the pace, allowing yourself to breathe….they all conjure up images of refreshment, rejuvenation and renewal.How could an avid reader of your blog POSSIBLY leave now? The inspiration and energy you will get on this retreat will be worth it’s weight in gold for your future posts Enjoy!Conor
  • #7 I’ve received at least one credit card application per day for the last week. Funny, I thought I was a deadbeat – you know – I pay it off in full every month.
  • It was quite a big hit in our college days. And the song Neele Gagan Ke Tale used to top the Binaca Geetmala charts. But no, I didn’t think much of the film or Rajkumar’s white shoes led suspense. Prefreed something like Ittefaq much more. actullay the espionage drama we liked those days was Shikar, with another Binaca Geetmala trtoper: Parde Mein Rehne Do.
  • This year, we are staying at our house ~ "staycation." In the past, because of my husband's former extensive travel, we used his Mariott points and stayed at some great hotels and resorts.'Never have stayed at a B & B.Melanie@Bella~Mella
  • Hello just thought i would tell you something.. This is twice now i’ve landed on your blog in the last 2 weeks searching for completely unrelated things. Spooky or what?
  • à°…à°¯్à°¯ో! à°¸ుà°œాతగాà°°ూ...à°µెà°•ేà°·à°¨్ à°—ొడవలో పడి అసలు à°¬్à°²ాà°—ుà°²ు à°šూà°¡à°Ÿ్à°²ేà°¦ు...à°®ీ à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°®ిà°¸్ à°…à°¯్à°¯ా! à°…ందరు à°­à°²ె..à°­à°²ె à°ªాà°Ÿà°²ు...పద్à°¯ాà°²ు à°°ాà°¸ేà°¸ాà°°ే! :)) à°…à°¯ిà°¨ా à°®ా ఆవకాà°¯్ à°®ుంà°¦ు à°®ాà°—ాà°¯ా à°²ేà°¦ు...à°¤ొà°•్à°•ుà°¡ు పచ్à°šà°¡ీ à°²ేà°¦ు...ఆవకాà°¯ే మహా పచ్à°šà°¡ి :))à°®ా ఆవకాయని à°‡ంతలేà°¸ి à°®ాà°Ÿà°²ంà°Ÿుంà°Ÿే....ఇక్à°•à°¡ à°µెà°¨్నపూసలో ఆవకాà°¯ à°¨ంà°œుà°•ుà°¨ి à°¤ింà°Ÿాà°¨ు à°…à°¨ి à°¨ా à°¬్à°²ాà°—ుà°²ో à°¬ోà°²ెà°¡ు à°•ాà°®ెంà°Ÿ్à°²ు à°ªెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿినవాà°°ందరు ఏరబ్à°¬ా??? à°¹్à°®్!à°•ాà°¨ి à°®ీ à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°…à°¦ిà°°ింà°¦ి :) à°¨ాà°•ు à°¬ాà°— నవ్à°µొà°š్à°šింà°¦ి à°®ీà°µాà°°ు ఆవకాà°¯ à°¤ిà°¨ే à°µిà°§ాà°¨ం....à°®ీ à°…à°¤్తగాà°°ి à°•ాà°³్ళకి దణ్à°£ం à°ªెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿి ఆవకాà°¯ à°ªెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿà°¡ం :)))
  • Hey all who believe you cannot die from lack of sleep… instead of shoving “can not” and “can to’s”… Prove that you will not die and hit us up lol…
  • so a question,do ya suppose the everyday Israeli citizen is anymore responsible for the actions of its gov.? do you think we are responsible for every action of ours? I know I haven’t water boarded anyone lately. just saying.In our house we only have a few rulesdon’t be a liarwalk in the lightwe have found this covers pretty much everything.we do not stand with race killers!and now for something more amusing than arguing with twits… kitty’s
  • Per Dimitri, un suggerimento, anzi due (ti premetto che non ho visto il programma in funzione quindi potresti averli gia' implementati):1) inserisci una variabile random come intervallo di tempo tra un tentativo e l'altro, lo spammer altrimenti potrebbe identificare i dati inseriti tutti di seguito2) sarebbe opportuno usare insieme un programma tipo multiproxy, o comunque cambiare l'indirizzo IP ad ogni comunicazione, altrimenti lo spammer si puo' difendere loggando l'IP da cui arrivano i dati ed eliminando gli IP da cui arriva troppo traffico
  • Hi John,After 20 years as a Firefighter, I am retiring in about 6 weeks on Jan. 4th. On Jan. 9th I arrive in Bangkok (ticket already purchased)for the very first time! I will be spending several weeks in Chiangmai at the end of Jan. and into Feb. I hope to run into you while there.Todd
  • will be at Heath Ceramics this Sunday, September 27th for the their 1st Annual Fall Bazaar, click here to learn more! We’re setting up a little photo booth and giving 5×7s to all participants. We
  • Putz, Andrea, tem um tempo que ando com vontade de aprender ponto cruz. Ate comentei com umas alunas. Não sei fazer nada disso (tricot, crochet etc) e fiquei com vontade dele. Agora, com seu post e este desenho bacana, fiquei mais tentada ainda. Pena que não posso colocar mais uma coisa nova na vida por enquanto, mas quem sabe mais pra frente =)beijo
  • This is unlikely to be true- Salman’s name gets associated with many south film these days- perhaps the makers out there have figured it out that it is one way to hype up the release- Similar articles can be found of Salman doing Chandramukhi sequel, and Vijayan’s son’s recently released movie- and 1 or 2 others also-
  • Hej Sanne!Hvordan forholder det sig med rodfrugter – mÃ¥ man spise det?(Jeg tænker pÃ¥ hvis man nu laver ovnbagt gulerod, rødbede, pastinak eller sellerirod eller koger dem og bruger dem som mos). Jeg har ofte hørt at de ikke er lige sÃ¥ sunde nÃ¥r man ovnbager dem som i rÃ¥ tilstand. Derudover ved jeg heller ikke om det overhovedet er tilladt at spise rodfrugter i denne kur?Bedste hilsnerLærke1f51
  • My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses.But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on variouswebsites for about a year and am concerned about switching to another platform.I have heard great things about Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress posts into it?Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • Hey there! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I genuinely enjoy reading your posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same subjects? Appreciate it!
  • Where it gets really bland is the “Dudes in Suits” games. Starting from the upper left hand corner the first 3 guys are nearly the same.In all fairness to TF2, my default char in that is black. Yeah I know, chucking ‘nades requires no skill.
  • oh great look at all my grammatical mistakes Dx forgot to use the commas”Ama” means somehow like mother in a rough way, mostly teenagers born outside the cities, could be small towns and ranches, some mexicans refer to ”ama” rather than mama”there BI
  • SusieNovember 28, 2012Wow Jane, love this piece. I actually feel like I was there-you portrayed it so well. Beautifully written and yes, the artist got Shaylyn’s eyes perfect! Happy Birthday Shaylyn x
  • Hey! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could get a captcha plugin for my comment form? I’m using the same blog platform as yours and I’m having problems finding one? Thanks a lot!
  • Good to see someone taking a realistic and cautious approach to self-publishing. I’ve found it to be rewarding experience, although I would say the education has been more valuable than the financial gains. My future plans would be to indie-publish some novels through my small press, but to approach traditional publishers for others. It depends on the book and the type of attention it will need. Romance and erotica seem to be the most promising genres for self-published works (I write neither unfortunately).
  • The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
  • Well, that is good to know. My theory is that nearly every famous intellectual of the modern age is possessed of abnormal sexual appetites, and invented all their rigmarole they call philosophy, all their allegedly deep thought, to invent elaborate justifications to cover their sins and soothe their queasy consciences. But did he cheat at cards?
  • Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You clearly know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your site when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?
  • बहुत सुन्दर रचना, क्षितिज का अस्तित्व कौन जाने क्या है पर विशालता में कभी कभी हमारे शब्द खो जाते हैं और बस मौनता...बहुत सुन्दर अभिव्यक्ति, बधाई संगीता जी.
  • Ray OwenMay 17, 2010I have to ask myself. Am I willing to walk away from it now. Would I be able to live with myself if I abandoned this dream. The answer has always been no, so I keep writing.
  •   January 11, 2012Fleur, I absolutely love reading, looking, at your blog whenever I can. I love the way you bring the country to the millions. Keep it up! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award if you are interested. Pop by and grab the award if you like, Cheers, Meg
  • Gjorde kotletterna igÃ¥r, och guuud vad goda, sååå möra! Kommer definitivt göras igen! Sambon och mamma som var pÃ¥ besök tyckte dom var underbara, de bara föll i sönder sÃ¥ möra de blev! Serverade blomkÃ¥lsris och sallad till, underbart gott!!
  • I know composting toilets are used at the University of Vermont(?) Law School that Peter and Celia Scott visited and documented….. toilets in institutional use that are not an odor problem at all.
  • La politica de Debian siempre ha sido incluir todo el software libre posible. Este caso no es diferente a que cambiaran de lugar los paquetes de Gnome del disco 1 al 2, solo xq ya es tan grande que no entra. El que esto sea otro golpe contundente a Gnome solo está en los ojos del escritor de este artículo.
  • L.T. Elliot - Paragraph #3? The one about being happy together? That’s it for me. Those days of laughing and lightness and just being? *heart sigh*I’m really glad you’re having these days because even when I miss you around here, knowing you’re so happy makes me feel happier too.November 13, 2012 – 12:18 am
  • wir heiraten in las dem tag wo wir abreisen versenden wir die einladungskarten für das fest wo wir später machen..habt ihr da einen guten vorschlag wegen den gestaltungen für ..wir heiraten in las vegas….VA:F [1.9.22_1171]please wait...VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)
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  • Love it!! How does someone carry that around for 20 years? I couldn’t leave a cyst like that alone on myself or my wife for a day. I have a feeling that most of us would chase someone with a cyst like that around a public pool with knives.
  • Darth Maul 2  6aber 90 grad sind doch eigentlich steiler als 120….mh…wenn man sich die definition von ‘steil’ mal anschaut, dann ist 90° schon das non-plus-ultra….fand ich jetzt nicht so spektakulär
  • Howdy! Would you mind if I share your blog with my facebook group? There’s a lot of folks that I think would really enjoy your content. Please let me know. Cheers
  • The carolers are just perfect for that space, they fit in so nicely with the old style lantern. I also adore the pine piece on the door, simple and elegant. Lovely like always!!
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  • There are a lot of … There are a lot of mod in the past that have guns and playing this and compared them with those mod this is a pile of shit.Just because they add a gun doesn’t make it great Was this answer helpful?
  • I have been eating peanut butter crackers (which aren’t low FODMAP) when I get hungry between meals.What can I eat that is high protein and low FODMAP?
  • Shrooms grow pretty much anywhere. Best bet is to get up and at em early. They grow the best at night when it is warm and humid. You will have better luck before noon.Good Luckmushroom picker for over 25 yearsretired chefcook book author
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  • à°°à°µిà°šంà°¦్à°°ా,మనతో నడిà°šిà°¨ à°µాà°°ిà°²ో ఉస్à°®ాà°¨ిà°¯ా ఐకాà°¸ సభ్à°¯ుà°²ెవరన్à°¨ా ఉన్à°¨ాà°°ేà°®ో à°…à°¨ి à°¨ాà°•ూ à°¨ిà°¨్à°¨ à°•ొంà°šెం à°…à°¨ుà°®ాà°¨ంà°—ాà°¨ే à°‰ంà°¦ి. à°®ీà°°ు à°¦ిà°•్à°•ుà°²ు à°šూà°¶ాà°¨ంà°Ÿే నవ్à°µొà°¸్à°¤ోంà°¦ి. à°®ాà°²ాà°•ుà°®ాà°°్ à°—ాà°°ూ,ధన్యవాà°¦ాà°²ంà°¡ీ! à°®ీà°°ైà°¨ా వస్à°¤ే à°¬ాà°µుంà°¡ేà°¦ి
  • Cool way to deploy a theme!What steps are necessary to remove the theme?I tried removing the jar file from tomcat\\lib to no effect after a restart.The goal is to change the theme. It appears the theme is injected into a war (unclear as to which one) file.Is the proper approach to clear the war file and restart? Another alternative I have is to replace the theme. To accomplish that I need to know what identifier within the jar to keep the same.Dan
  • I am not sure where you’re getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for magnificent information I was looking for this info for my mission.
  • Oh My God!Tur att det var en sÃ¥dan trevlig payback! ;-))))Om man skulle vinna alla dina faviriter sÃ¥ kanske man plötsligt kan skapa lika underbara alster som du? :-)Jag hoppas pÃ¥ det! :-)kramCattie
  • I am not very confident and also very fickle when it comes to blogging, so thank you for cross-posting and helping ensure this gets out and stays in the public record. My hope is that by turning off my comments, I avoid the issues that helped lead to my seemingly unexpected and unexplained actions concerning my previous blog.Even if I eventually close this blog, too, I promise this time to make an archive of this material available first and provide you a clear explanation. Sorry again about the way I bailed on you guys...Thanks again,MissTickly
  • Let me write that down. You say that the one degree rise in temperature in the past hundred years has caused all those problems? According to your reasoning there should be more cancer in Miami than in Boston. I am moving North!
  • YES. They will pull your credit in order to give you the higher limit NO….it will benefit you in the future if you keep your balances 35% or less than the credit limit
  • Bag O' Douche deserves 3 citations – 1. Buying/driving/being seen anywhere near a Gag-lardo2. Painting/coloring/tattooing the above mentioned Gag-lardo3. Breaking the Guinness world record for ultimate douchiness
  • Thank you Katherine! Not sure a whole post will fit on FB. Probably easier to paste the link. I’m ALWAYS thrilled when someone shares a link. Can’t remember which book I recommended. Hope it was The Resilient Gardener. I find that book really intelligent and inspiring.
  • Ich würde gerne meine kleine Schwester damit überraschen! Sie ist nicht nur meine kleine Schwester sondern auch eine gute Freundin und ich kann mich immer auf sie verlassen. Da sie aufgrund ihrer Arbeit selten zum einkaufen kommt und uns um die Neuheiten dieser Box beneidet hat, würde ich sie ihr sehr gerne zukommen lassen
  • I have witnessed that smart real estate agents all around you are warming up to FSBO Marketing. They are realizing that it’s more than simply placing a sign in the front place. It’s really pertaining to building interactions with these sellers who at some time will become customers. So, whenever you give your time and energy to serving these sellers go it alone — the “Law connected with Reciprocity” kicks in. Great blog post.
  • , and this is very present in the movie)--there's a long sad (but bloodless) French Revolution-style stretch of people being oppressed generally, and a couple of disturbing moments. It's not wall-to-wall creepy, but... it's probably pretty depressing, yeah. It's more that they let you leave feeling a lot better about what you just sat through.
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  • Some of these parenting tactics are horrible. Children need love and nurturing not a miserably cheap father treating child as if its great depression or WWI. You think that your hard line will help build character but instead kid turns 18, learns that you are sick in the head and never wants to talk to you again.
  • Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz / Brenda Baldwin Not "hatred", Brenda–it's called "Realism". It's thew ability to see a blatant scheister for what he is. Just a phony-pious poser who has gotten on too long on empty rhetoric while peddling his own patented brand of religious-inspired bigotry and hate. I feel sorry for YOU, that your religious fidelity has blinded you to the truth.
  • . I work on a busy telemetry floor, and people *hate* floating to us. Everybody has a version of busy, but ours is (arguably) the busiest…or at least the most hectic. I tell the med-surg floats, as well as the new nurses that are organic to us, that if they can master our floor, they can work anywhere. I tell the ICU nurses that float to us to quit whining and get to work! (No offense meant, Mr. Dent!)
  • I usually hate gin. I usually just sip Johnnie Walker Black Label straight. But, I will give this drink a try. I’ve been meaning to give gin another try anyway.
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  • After reading Wittes's well-written article, I take back my comment on him not knowing what he's talking about. By and large, he clearly does. He's still wrong on the issue, though, as intermediate scrutiny is routinely applied in other important constitutional rights, such as commercial speech under the First Amendment, or sex-based discrimination under the Fourteenth.
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  • Hello – I feel as if I know your heart. Do you remember tasting the sweet, sticky, sap from the grapes right at harvest? The spell-binding aroma for the harvest? Running in the irrigated fields in bear feet; mud, sand and rocks filling your toes full of goodies?Foun this via Blogger, Happy to know ya!With a Smile,Heather
  • When it comes to overall fuel efficiency, the upcoming 2013 Jetta Hybrid from VW Motors might clearly fail against its key competitor Prius MPG ratings, but it certainly equals or surpasses the new Prius in other aspects including luxury, overall performance, safety standards etc.
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  • Panthro Whoa…Thunder Puss!!But no disrespect but SNOOP is NOT in the TOP 3 nor in TOP 5 artist. I mean,the Dawg keeps tha masses wanting more for the amount of years he’s been in it,Club hit after Club hit.But NOT top 5 bro,IMOTo much ILL Mc’s man …TOO much !
  • after she started personalizing and putting it at the top of the query it did make a difference in the number of requests for partials.It doesn't take more than a line or two to explain why this agent is suited to your work so why would you pass on another opportunity to make a favorable impression?Nathan, I want to add another note of thanks. I was getting a query ready for Janet Reid's workshop in Surrey. I was zipping back and forth between your site and hers to make it reasonably coherent. It's really helpful to have the information so well organized here.
  • I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but certainly you’re going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already Cheers!
  • Things become easier to an informed buyer. This renders every deal cost-efficient. It lessens the worries regarding his agents as he is more or less knowledgeable of what he is doing. Networking in this case would also make things faster – referals from close friends and their suggestions offer choices. All you have to do is to compare these suggestions from your the standards you have set in looking for a property.
  • « Ã§a permet à ceux qui sont intéressés d’aller **au plus vite** à la source de l’information »Ah, aller dans l’encart et essayer de reconstituer le lien hypertexte (qui est toujours **directement** fourni dans Passeur de Sciences) permet d’aller« au plus vite »?Je crois qu’il y a un grave PBCAK (problem between chair and keyboard), l’un des plus graves que l’on puisse rencontrer…
  • Mun vastaus on varmaan vähän liiankin helppo: Harry Potter! Hyvä kokeilu on vaikka kolmas osa, Harry Potter ja Azkabanin vanki. Se on tasapainoinen, vetävä osa sarjasta eikä ole paksuimmasta päästä.
  • Hi, I’m Oliver, Nice to meet you online! I just finished reading your articles and i want to commend you for always giving us a materials that’s worth reading. I’m really bored here at home so i decided to browse for some reading materials when i accidentally found your page. Thanks for melting my boredom away.
  • Sé que no publico apenas,pero os sigo siempre,como bien sabe Batto. Esta vez escribo porque me hace mucha gracia y,a la vez,me da rabia lo de "En España". Ya han quedado claras las posturas de unos y otros,de modo que entiendo que los redactores se lo tomen a risa,como deberíamos hacer todos,pues no veo que se metan con nadie. Al contrario, se toman con humor la entradita de turno. En fin,no me alargo más: si a alguien no le gusta que pongan lo de "en España" pues...que no lea la noticia. Y punto xD
  • Simply desire to say your article is as amazing. The clarity in your post is simply great and i could assume you’re an expert on this subject. Fine with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please carry on the rewarding work.
  • Bless the heart of this holy man and pope. He may be the first pontiff to really understand the extent and gravity of what has happened in the last century enough to be able to express it clearly like this. Bless him for this truthfulness and candor. Such a thing is rare indeed. The first step in addressing something is often recognizing it and verbalizing it. Here we have it.
  • : oui, une interview éclairante. Pinault également à l’ancienne douane de Venise, tout un symbole. L’art à la pointe fait des euros partout. Merci pour l’invitation.@ Jef : non, museum d’histoire naturelle.@ Jyf : il fallait que le lien soit fait… et sans fausse note !@ Dom A. : mais en Corrèze, il y avait des caméras cachées dans les arbres.
  • You are just the hostess with the mostest!!! Looks like a great celebration...cute decor, wonderful family and yummy food. You can't beat that. I laughed that he brought his own plastic cup too...hilarious!
  • lot of opportunities at school and at…work. from time to time, you need to develop your writing skills for you to land a job after school. it is of great importance that you know how to write well.learn to open your mind to new things such as…
  • sure – if you are capturing for the first time then just make a recipe that adds a line to the package.ini to enable any parameter needed – the package build process is no different than the regular process – it is just automated. Alternatively you could capture once, then edit the project thru the ThinApp Factory interface using the package.ini gui to add options you need then rebuild – all done thru the ThinApp Factory GUI
  • The Mighty Fek’lhr is sure this kotal was in a movie 20 years ago about a pizza man that "romances" lonely women, and one of them was Kirstie Alley. MOOOOOOOOO!!! Even by Klingon standards, that bitch is fat and ugly. Good job, Dempsey! They need lovin’, too!*editors note-even with playing a sexy Vulcan chick in Wrath of Khan, Alley is still a nameless tahQeq amongst the Klingons 
  • SÃ¥ flott den lyser over byen! Tusen takk for at du stadig kikker innom hos meg og legger igjen koselige spor! Jeg har en liten oppmerksomhet til deg inne hos meg.Ha en fin tirsdag!
  • You didn't ink it so much as completely re-draw it. Kevin Nowlan would be proud.I prefer some elements of this, and some of Will's initial version.I think the original has a lot more momentum through the figure with the hammer in the other hand, and therefore is more dynamic, less static. The intense facial expression helps Will's too.Prefer the cloak and chainmail on yours though. Two great pieces, and a really worthwhile experiment. I'd do the same with Thomps, but he wouldn't let me within a mile of any of his pics.
  • Grazie della spiegazione :) Peccato che mi sia ustionata una mano a provare la temperatura!! ^^' Gasata da queste belle foto ho provato anch'io ma il mio battesimo coi cupcakes è stato un disastro, la meringa è rimasta molliccia e in compenso ho seminato zucchero caramellato per tutta la cucina (il consiglio di colare lo sciroppo lontano dalle fruste non è da prendere alla leggera!)Dopo questa esperienza ti faccio doppi complimenti per aver sfornato cotanta meraviglia!
  • on August 11, 2012 Vicks – you’re the best! Love your style – have never tried combining the 2 before! Have just braved the hail, thunder and lighting in Newlands Forest with the pooches so definitely going to try your recipe! xtracy
  • Oh! That’s great news. Saw someone already customized it here.I’m sooooo loving the current Fluency design now. I hope you stick to this design for a long long time, until WordPress 5.0. Haha!
  • I fell asleep while watching the presentation so I missed it Indeed, I just saw the 1.4 TSI on the website, amazing engineering. 6-7 gear automated clutch gearbox and all, pricey, but economical.
  • out of Dani’s mouth while she was on 24/7 video. They are her words not mine. And anyone who knows her should be getting her some mental help rather than defending her behavior on the Internet.
  • My family was a breakfast-for-dinner (or a fruit and cottage cheese) family as well. I don’t think we ever had buttered pasta growing up. Add to that my aversion to raisins and you can see why this recipe didn’t work out for me. Yours looks beautiful and I’m glad it surprised you!
  • What a special event this is !I would love to see a floral sculpture out of sea creature # 1 . I’m curious what floral items the designer will use for the bottom of the animal. However, for a little girl, the dolphin would be darling and would really make a splash into the part !
  • T'es pas entrain de nous annoncer que tu vas devenir l'entraîneur de Safin?Vous seriez un couple fabuleux, j'imagine la gueule des journalistes à l'annonce de votre collaboration.
  • Bardzo fajny system. MogÄ™ go z czystym sumieniem polecić innym. Szczególnie dla znajÄ…cych siÄ™ "na rzeczy" lub poszukujÄ…cych odskoczni od Slack'a.
  • Chris,The blog looks great! Very intriguing topics so far and I’m sure more to come. Keep up the good work.Nate WalkerNorthern Prairies Land Trust
  • Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg bestille tid til konsultation hos Kim. Det er gratis og han kan i modsætning til alle andre give dig en realistisk pris. Det er jo ret individuelt, hvor meget produkt der skal bruges .
  • C. Mazankova, 20 yo, from Prague (Czech Republic)1) i think i would photograph my mum making jewellery or some of her pieces, we inspire each other a lot2) some corners of my city that i like. it's not a fashion metropole but the city's architecture itself is rather inspiring sometimes3) my closet's details and pieces i like. my closet sometimes holds the biggest secrets and treasures, perhaps some garments i totally forgot about and they suddenly affect my style for some period of time, or an accidentally colour palette put together i suddenly love etc.
  • Wow! You are a much more determined cook than I am. There is no way on earth I would have ever even thought to make my own cinnamon chips, yet alone actually spend the time to do it. They turned out amazing!
  • AstarotKurde nawet miaÅ‚em fajnÄ… wizjÄ™ żeby bezczelnie przenieść książki z Obliviona i przerzucać je paluchem jak kartki. Fajnie by to wyszÅ‚o. DziÄ™ki Misiu za cynk 
  • hehe, si io am raspuns acelasi lucru la aia cu parerea despre chestionartot imi spunea un prieten ca ce umblu cu alde "stop-pagina mea"-uri dinastea numite bloguri, clar, acum se confirma :))
  • C’est si agréable de voir comme les choses se passent bien, lorsque, de part et d’autre, on a affaire à des gens civilisés, qui se respectent et cherchent à se comprendre.
  • We have two paintings of Birds of Paradise flowers over our mantel. I love the bright orange, yellow and dark green colors that make up the paintings. They add a great pop of color to our mostly dark wood furniture. And it also happens to be my favorite flower, as it came in the first HUGE bouquet my husband sent me when he was trying to get me to go out with him. Needless to say, it worked…We’ve been together 9 years, married for 5
  • Thank you for the sensible critique. Me & my neighbour were preparing to do some research about that. We got a good book on that matter from our local library and most books where not as influensive as your information. I am very glad to see such information which I was searching for a long time.
  • takziah kpd keluarge mangse….Ya Allah…., memg kejadian yg amat mengerikan,smoge kite same2 jdkan ikhtibar dr ape yg berlaku..ati2 bw kete. moto, atau ……
  • Let me just say that this post certainly brings it home the importance of positioning yourself with someone who can walk the walk & not going it alone not knowing which way to turn when the going gets tough.Only then can someone really see the results they hope for.RegardsHarry
  • Si ça vous intéresse, aujourd’hui sur mon blog un bêtisier des commentaires trouvés sur le net (Presse, blogs) concernant la pandémie..en plein dans le sujet du billet de Koz.Qui donne une vision assez précise de toutes les réactions / réflexions sur le sujet actuellement, je les ai classées en paranos, CAC40, cyniques etc (souvent drôle, parfois flippant !)
  • Aksiosimiota pososta Gia ola ala mporusa kanena 5ari perissotero dld kapou 32-33 ala o thermos sti Poreia aneveni....kale to proino mou 45%sta neanika Ti les kale oute I menegaki sta xai is de to pisteuw de mpwrw na sxoliasw tpt allo:))))))))meta Apo ta numera t proinu mu
  • Whats Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I’ve found It absolutely helpful and it has aided me out loads. I am hoping to contribute & help other users like its aided me. Good job.
  • atheistI failed to post a comment on blogger earlier, so I rewrote it as .In essence, Universalism can't be defined in terms of beliefs because it is not based on sentience. Instead you must think of it in terms of emotions, alliances, and anchors.
  • Is this a street food (as in, not only in restaurants)? If so, how is it served?Yes, especially at the beaches in Ecuador you will find ceviche carts everywhere. The ceviche is usually served in plastic bowls or cups, topped with maiz tostado (a type of South American corn nut), chifles or green plantain chips, or patacones (thick plantain chips). You can also ask for them to add some aji or hot sauce to your ceviche.
  • :furious:k p2 fue en meridak estupideses en campeche seria genialisimno pero no ni p2 tmb estuvo bueno en merida :devil: avisen si viene a campehce como le acen para vajarlo jajjaajaj bueno cheke by :furious:
  • everything looks fantastic!At therapy yesterday she was walking with just one hand held!She knows 7 signs and is starting to say more words. It is SO exciting!Our wonder kid is just amazing! I just had to pass along all the fabulous news!
  • Ca fait longtemps que moi aussi je suis parti (Québec + USA) et ni femme ni enfants ne voudraient revenir en France pour rien au monde!Les vieux en France, ils pourront se les payer tout seuls leurs retraites et en tout cas pas sur mon dos (immobilier + pensions ca suffit!)On est pas des #geonpis!
  • me gusta mucho lo que ellas estan haciendo, ya que la convivencia que tienen, es bien de ahuvo, ya que ellas no simplemente estan participando por una corona, si por abrirse paso hacia nuevas metas, son chavas muy bonitas, y su forma de ser es lo mejor,que tienen.
  • Na Pottermore jsem, ale už si nepamatuju pÅ™ihlaÅ¡ovací údaje. Já tam byla mezi prvními, ale nÄ›jak jsem na to nemÄ›la čas. Ale zase se tam kouknu, případnÄ› pÅ™ihlásím znovu
  • Ya.... hari Jumaat yang mulia ni pun ada yang sibuk menyalak sebar fitnah dan merapu kat sini. Agaknya ada habuan dari bos kot.
  • My suggestion: don’t forget to take care of yourself. As you get older a healthy body is at least as important as a healthy portfolio, and especially if you don’t have a healthy portfolio you are going to need a healthy body to continue to be productive in your golden years. Delaying retirement and having a post retirement career work much better if you still have good mobility and energy. I hear many do not choose to retire, people often “retire” when a health issue forces them to, ready or not.
  • Your little purse is absolutely stunning Paula and I'd love to know where you got it too as it's a wonderful idea.Your stamping is just amazing and the colouring looks fabulous.Thanks for joining in with Make My Monday's final steampunk challenge. Lovely to see you there.Hugs, Fliss xx
  • Ca fait environ 10 ans que j’attends un article sur le sujet. Ne post-traitant plus depuis 6 mois car mes couleurs ne sont pas bonnes, je souhaitais éviter d’investir dans une sonde qui me servira une fois ou deux. Très déçu de voir qu’il n’y a aucune service de « location » de sonde qui existe…
  • My Grandfather was in the South Pacific and helped with the take-off of Enola Gay as it dropped first Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima. He was an air traffic controller in Pittsburgh and Rochester(NY) for many years. He told me stories about the day the Enola Gay took off and the shock on the faces of the crew members when they returned.
  • din pacate "fraieri" nu citesc astfel de articole care sa le deschida mintea, romanul cum prinde un PC stie doar mess, facebook ... eventual filme. In ceea ce priveste viitorul tarii sint foarte pesimist, "vocile" ca a Sorinei nu se mai pot face auzite, nu mai putem scapa de propaganda de tip "Antena 3" . . . Basescu (cu toate greselile lui) este ultimul bastion . . . cred ca vom intra intr-o era socialista.
  • Thats interesting. never really thought about that. The reason why I think their doing partial ROM is because they want to target the chest more. The bottom half of the ROM(chest to middle) works more of the chest. The other half brings in the tricep more into the excercise. It is hard(well for me) to do partial when your use to the full ROM. Both are very good way to work the chest.
  • Wow! We are so happy to discover your world and even more happy for featuring us here! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! It really means a lot to us! We wish you an amazing week end to come!!!
  • This is so amazing, Loren. I am so glad to hear all of this. Ryan will come along. Give him some time and keep the boundaries. He’ll probably test them out (sounds like it already) before he gives in and just eats. I’m SO glad you’re doing abyhanga as well. So so glad. Hang with it, check in with me soon and we’ll see where to go from there. You are an incredible person, Loren. I’m so glad to have met you.
  • NON je veux me marier parce que mon mari n’est ni mon copain, ni mon ami, ni mon compagnon, ni mon amant, c’est mon MARI.Cessez de parler au nom des autres !
  • It’s funny… I was just thinking about this myself. I love going to weddings and it appears I won’t have another for at least another year (my cousin will get married next summer). I’m in the same boat–all my friends keep having babies now. It’s always beautiful to share in whatever phase a couple is in, but I’m partial to weddings for the same reasons you are
  • Discussed information and facts is most definitely necessary to every who seek a fun way of spending your time and efforts along the computer system. He could turn out to be a great deal to train these products. Bye
  • Thanks so much for writing this - hilarious enough to ease the trauma of reading about caesarean-by-fang. I started reading the books to see what all the fuss was about, and I genuinely liked the first one (sort of, sexual politics aside), but by the time I got to the fountain of blood, I just... couldn't finish without help, so I came here. (Heard about your summaries from Fandom Wank.)
  • wow its the the blog hop was alot of fun, the ladys made some beautiful cards and project these new images are just to cutehugs normajean
  • Bonjour,LifeWave,est un produit qui va faire beaucoup parler de lui …!N’étant pas encore actif dans ce concept ,je pense que je ne v’ai pas tarder à l’étre.Cordialementjeanmari
  • See, this is one of those things that I don’t really mind. I have to do it every week, as it is MY chore, so I just do it. The quicker I do it, the quicker I can go futz around with something wholey unproductive. It takes me a full 5-10 minutes to do it, all told. And we have 6 pillows. You might just say that I’m pretty much a pro at it. It’s ok, you can say it. Go ahead . . . I’ll wait.
  • Hi this is kinda of off topic but I was wanting to know if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding experience so I wanted to get advice from someone with experience. Any help would be enormously appreciated!
  • If you dont mind, where do you host your blog? I am searching for a good web host and your blog appears to be fast and up all the time
  • 25 julio, 2007AnónimoNo hay que activar ningun servidor propio. Bueno si lo quieres hacer lo puedes hacer pero no es necesario.Si lo suyo sería poner un from propio. Bueno lo voy a corregir.Sacaré una versión nueva en breve.Un saludo.  
  • An interesting dialogue is worth a comment. I feel that you must write extra on this subject, it may not be a taboo topic however usually people are not brave enough to speak on such topics. To the next. Cheers
  • tracey · Hi Mel – Blogtoberfest was a fantastic experience. I’ll definitely be back next year for more fun! I agree that a big part of why it was so great was being able to discover lots and lots of wonderful new blogs (like yours too).
  • ATTETON TO ALL BEBO”S FANS…………..guys most of u must be aware of AIRTEL SUPERSTAR RATINGS…………….but its a sad state for all bebo fans including me that she who deserves to be on the top is not even in the top 5…………….what’s up with u bebo fans……….plz yar our star only deserves the top spot………….guys plz plz plz do vote for her………..its a humble request…………plz………….go to and plz vote for her………….
  • This change was bad for my wifes wholesale clothing business. We went from a about 2 or 3 sales a week to now 1 small sale a month. Never been this bad for years. Also found spun content which we wrote that is unreadable and out ranking us. Thanks google
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  • If eating less, pump up the fibre and water so that you don't feel hungry. I go for water these days - like a couple of glasses 20 minutes or so before a meal. Helps if I put a bit of lime or lemon in it too.
  • I love this issue. Its a nice break from Vinnie. I don’t hate Vinnie as much as some others but he did get lazy. When he wasn’t lazy though he did some good work.
  • On “jealousy”, perhaps the troll is jealous in a twisted way that explains his trolling. His Hunter Thompson reference can apply to his propped Lavelle and Berdy.So what if Lavelle has a “full time job”. Does that somehow make him exempt?Some active media people get fired, with some others moving up. That point shouldn’t get distorted. It addresses another disrespectful and feeble minded point raised by the troll; in his ongoing efforts at trying to discredit me.
  • Oh, yes – we are all imperfect and it’s okay. What I hear you saying is that you have a thirst and desire for belonging – and for genuine belonging based on vulnerability.I share this need and this desire. Oh, it is so huge in me! May we find belonging not in our desire to be perfect – all our strategies to feel accepted and okay, but in our vulnerability, in our shared human condition, in our tenderness.In gratitude, Karly
  • Hiya, I am really glad I have found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossips and net and this is really irritating. A good web site with interesting content, that is what I need. Thanks for keeping this web site, I will be visiting it. Do you do newsletters? Can not find it.
  • - obviously like your web site but you need to take a look at the spelling on quite a few of your posts. Several of them are rife with spelling issues and I find it very bothersome to tell the truth however I’ll certainly come back again.
  • ohhhhh, hmmm pdf scan?, well i and my brother play Wiz 1 too when we were young (really young), here Nes catridge was so expensive that you must rent it, so we rent a lot of time Wizardry 1 and nobody get a idea to how play the game it become a challenge, year past by and finally buy it an play it older and ended finally. 
  • I’ll keep saying it….you are a REALLY GREAT PHOTOGRAPHER. i hadn’t seen some of these. thanks for posting….oh, and here’s a birthday idea…..i would LOVE to have a couple elephant photos to frame. talk to sarah, evidently she has some mom’s day photos she did for me (ha!).oh, fyi, i love the up close one of the elephant face / eye.
  • Me encanta tu paso a paso del fondant, aunque creo que hay que ser una artista, como tú, para hacer esas tartas.En cuanto tenga un poco de tiempo probaré a hacer el fondant a ver si me sale. Y me encanta tu blog!!!. Pd.La tarta de cumpleaños de Leo la probé y me encantó, aunque daba pena comersela.
  • obat wasir dan ambeien di, obat wasir dan ambien manjur, trackback Obat wasir dan Ambien manjur di obat .sore sob! Kali ini seoyandira share tentang obat wasir dan ambeien manjur di , situs
  • The idea that suburban women must have eco-"tupperware" parties to share ideas on being green just shows the fatuousness and superficiality of the movement. Which is to be expected, really, since alot of it is based on fraud. Recycling wastes resources and money, but it FEELS GOOD, so we get more of the same from status driven ignoramus women looking for moral authority over others. It's the new urban/sunurban religion.
  • Book tag … new friendsI tagged Jonathan in the last book meme I did – he’s mainly a film blogger, but I figured what the hell. And he took it on. Jonathan is a new blog friend – and I really appreciate not just…
  • Am scris mai sus: un an de zile la 75% din salariul tau inainte de taxe care se impozitateaza dar suma primita nu poate trece de ~$2000/lunar.Education savings? Venitul adus de randamentul banilor in education savings nu sint impozitate. Mai pune si statul insa prea putin sa conteze.
  • Még mindig játszik wordwise? Én sértegették. Szeretném vissza. Azt hittem, minden, amit d-bag abbahagyta a játékot. Nem akarok játszani Jason bár. Úgy éreztem magam, mint kisebb a férfi a verés adta nekem.
  • oh hun this is one,brilliant card love love that tilda,and as for your cat oh how cool is he oh just adore ginger cats,he is gorgeous,hope you get your garden,sorted hun know what you mean it never ends in a garden,lol happy easter hun hugs cheryl xxxxx
  • We did not do baby sign language, but Alexa seems to have picked some up on her own. Is that even possible? Maybe some are just intuitive? But I hear you loud and clear! It's soooo hard when they want something, they know exactly what that is...but you have no freakin' clue what their grunting and pointing is referring to. I just grab everything in the general direction..or...hehe...turn her around :P
  • Liebe joanna,das schöne an babies ist: sie sind bezaubernd - und zwar alle!! das machts uns auch leicht - sie zu wickeln u. füttern, auch wenn man total übernächtigt u. müde ist :).dein grosses "baby" ( sorry süsse!!) ist aber wirklch bezaubernd - und tolles motiv mit den seifenblasen.danke für deine berlin-tipps :))..wo hast du sonst noch familiy ;))**grins**euch einen wunderschönen wochenstartliebste grüsse karin
  • Aside from the General Lee, I cannot stand the confederate flag. I understand the idea of “rebel” but that can be showcased just as easily by James Dean or Billy Idol. The confederate flag has too much attached to it to be taken so lightly.I think your kid and my youngest should go on vacation together.
  • Today I have been railing against the pribbling pottle- deep puttocks with their datsardly deep cutting of benefits to Aged P's care plan. Thank you Joan for providing this She Wolf with the correct vocab.
  • En cuerpo no, (aunque quisiera) pero en espíritu los acompañaré. Que se diviertan como enanos de circo.JJ, le das un fuerte abrazo a Nicté de parte mía, por fa.Abrazo de oso para tí.
  • A presencia de campos eólicos deu lugar a un quentamento do aire a nivel do solo a nivel local, e incluso rexional.Os parques eólicos poden afectar o clima.O solo e as capas de aire en contacto arrefríanse rápidamente durante a noite mentres o aire quente encóntrase a uns poucos centos de metros. O funcinamento das turbinas eólicas podría causar unha forte mezcla de aire e polo tanto un movemento de aire quente hacia o solo.
  • no es suficiente, necesitas tener un acuario de 180 litros o mas o tener un buen sistema de filtracion, en un acuario de 8 litros solo es cuestion de tiempo a que se mueran intoxicados por amonia. Saludos.
  • Gracias por el comentario, pero yo no he escrito esos artículos, ya me gustaría tener a mi esa lucidez. Lo que si hago es intentar promocionar esos artículos para que se respete un poco mas la profesión informática, que como bien debes saber no esta muy valorada.Vota el comentario: 0  0
  • 트위터에서 리트윗 된것을 ë³´ê³  오게되었습니다. 안타까운 마음을 가눌 수 없네요.작가님께 좋은 결과가 있기를 빌겠습니다.
  • I lost my loving son Michal G. on june 30 2012 to accidental prescription drug overdose, drugs prescribe by his doctor. Michal was 30 years old with big plans on fighting bullies in schools.Stop doctors from giving drugs like they are candies,You took a oat to save lives not take them away.
  • Torricelli- Crook.McGreevey- Crook.Lynch- Crook.And let’s not forget the supporting cast- Carla Katz-Corzine, Charlie Kushner, Zulima Farber, Kay Licausi-Menendez. Am I the only one here who has HAD ENOUGH???Sorry, NJ Dems, I’m outta here.
  • Oh my Cristina, I love your simplistic approach to cardmaking! They are so clean and beautiful! Congratulations on your accomplishment with stamping royalty and also for the amazing 10 cards in this issue! Thanks for sharing!
  • Zhenya, with exercise and healthy diet you will lose weight. A healthy goal is 1 to 2 pounds a week. If you find some of my routines to be too hard to finsih that is ok. do that you can and then next time you go through the workout try to do more. 5 days a week working out for an hour a day will give you results. Let me know how you do!
  • I swear, she’s writing for Conch!“Afterwards, we walked up and down the mall and got coffees!! I always see people with coffees on TV and the movies and they look so cool and cosmopolitan. I rarely get coffee drinks in the afternoon, so I tried to be cool with one, tossing my cup around while deep in conversation.”And BTW KERF, your baby doesn’t look like a “hipster baby” in those oversized red cords, he looks like he has a complete idiot moron for a mother!
  • would welcome you in China. But then again, I think you might have some problems there too.God Bless America, My HOME sweet HOME.
  • Someone in my family was looking at television yesterday evening, so I had a big thought for you when I heard the sunny and joyful Alexander singing and then , winning!And now I see that this victory is the second thing to celebrate today..So best wishes for this very special Norvegian day. It's good to remind us a bit of history, and , at those times of European votes, to let us think and remember of where we all come from. As ever, you choosed an unusual but beautyful way for this celebration.Have a good Day!
  • I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I do not know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already Cheers!
  • Terrific work! That is the kind of info that should be shared around the net. Disgrace on the search engines for now not positioning this put up higher! Come on over and seek advice from my web site . Thanks =)
  • waauuw!!!!! super mooiik ben iets jonger duss ik mag van mijn ouders nog geen lipstick dragen maar weet jij misschien een budget proof lipgloss die langer als 4 uur (ofzoiets) blijft zitten?
  • occhio ragazzi che ci sono tanti pischelli con 5-6 mesi di servizio che faranno di tutto per sistemarsi con questi bandi!!! noi che da molti ani che viviamo al nord rischiamo di fare la figura dei fessi!!!!
  • Geez Andreas, how do you have any time to check into this little blog? For those of my readers who do not know, Andreas left Los Angeles ( as the Economist’s West Coast correspondent) and moved his family to Berlin, where is now back in his home country, reporting on all of the major happenings in Germany. He’s been busy….His novel, Hannibal and Me ( I highly recommend that you buy it and read it) is now going to paperback.You are too kind and generous to reply here, at this time.Oh to be in the epicenter of world economic politics.
  • Hmmm, if syndication ended in 1973, is it possible that it still aired at other times. I was born in 1970 but still remember watching Underdog and singing the theme song. And wasn't there an Underdog balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade for like forever? I often wonder if cartoons are really for kids, all that subliminal messaging, etc. It is like the cartoonists got bored and tried to find clever ways to express themselves.
  • Que dices de culpa? Cuando dos personas están a gusto y deciden hacer el amor es lo más normal del mundo. Quizá tu novio y tu no habéis hablado suficiente del tema, no se el tiempo que lleváis juntos pero igual él quiere hacerlo contigo y por eso está raro. Debéis hablarlo y aclarar vuestras intenciones para que no haya malos entendidos. Suerte
  • Buti ka pa. Seems like you’ve thought this through na. I still don’t know what to tell my Little One when she starts school. Buti medyo malayo pa.Tin | The Average Jane recently posted..
  • Joe,In our design the floor (deck) is hanging from the posts, so the footings do not need to be the same height. It simplifies things, so all I have to do is make sure the posts are plumb and square. Once the deck is complete, I’ll saw the posts to a uniform height.Julio
  • #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flowerتقدیم از طرف من به ریحانه ÛŒ Ú¯Ù„ Ú©Ù‡ روزشه#kiss #kiss #heart #hand
  • Bebe, estas precioso y creciendo muy rapido Dios te bendiga tambien,me alegro que hayas pasado feliz tu segunda Navidad porque la primera solo la pasaste con con doctores, enfermeras, Mama y Papa. Bendiciones.
  • joni HI there! Awesome blog btw. Thank you for the wonderful info… I do have a question though before I roll out my first promotion on my FB biz page. It will be ‘photo’ based… likers will post a pic and will have to earn LIKES to win. My question is, how do I make sure that people have to like my page before they can like the pic? I am having trouble finding out if it’s already like that… thanks so much!!
  • Marie, merci, il faut que la « pet thérapie » se généralise, car ses bienfaits sont évidents…Mais pour Kathmandu, ton texte, en français, ça donne quoi ? Merci pour ta patience…
  • that a requirement of Google News was to not break up article body (the news article should have sequential paragraphs). We don't have any comments or links to post to additional pages within the article body but we do have a sidebar div container that holds some copy about an upsell. Does a div container or sidebar break up the article body? Should we use some other type of code?
  • salah satu contoh…artis malaysia x perlu pertikaikan artis luar yg berjaya di negara kita,sebab artis kita pon ada yang berjaya di negara orang…klu dah x popular tu x boleh nak kata apa…….Well-loved.
  • Hello, I want to know that whether a already passed student ( in 12th ) can do his/her 12th again. Meaning totally new way again? I saw that NIOS has a program for updating results for 12th passed students. Well THAT’S REALLY AMAZING!!! I just can’t explain in words –how happy i’m hearing about this!
  • Parabéns Ico!Hoje está frio em S.Paulo, então vou abrir uma garrafa de vinho em sua homenagem. Saúde e felicidades para você e sua família.prperalta
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  • hey anonymous, you can post as betty, sandra, sharon or better yet, mark. Have a good time and use your real name. Thanks for reading and posting. Being in the dark is not good for you.
  • pues bien dice terry pratchett a traves de los personajes de sus libros, que los humanos son los unicos que, aun con tantas cosas maravillosas en el mundo, son capaces de inventar el aburrimiento....
  • dit :ça avait l’air très chouette tout ça ! TRÈS ! Comme je te le disais, j’étais la plus vieille du groupe, mais ça ne s’est pas vu !
  • fiuk eu le amo como eu nunca amei niguem da minha vida vc é lindo e eu queria muito li conheser que sou sua fã número 1° e por isso eu li amo tanto que da vontade de nomorar com vc mais vc ja tem namorada que pela né, mais mesmo assim eu li amo muito muito mesmoote amo gostozo
  • Happy OWOH!!!! You are truly a most wonderful friend – and I’m happy I get to celebrate a tour of friendship with you! You created a wonderful post – thanks so very much!!!
  • (App) I like herbal remedies because it is interesting to see what herbals have health benefits. It doesn’t list everything but it’s a nice quick easy guide. I like how you can pick an aliment you might have and find a herbal remedy for it.
  • in re: niche vlogs — are you suggesting that people self-host these? Aren’t they just content on a “big network” service provider? Have you read the ToS on those things?
  • d+! a parte “(os motivos até hoje não são claros, mas eu não gosto da Yoko Ono!)” foi mto boa! hahasim sim sim marcamos antes d vcs irem embora né!!bjoos!
  • O Melga é extremo puro e é uma merda a defender. Até o Figo que não joga há 4 ou 5 anos o comeu uma data de vezes no jogo contra a fome.Se o Jesus continua com esta merda de tentar arranjar um novo Coentrão, nem ao Natal chega(mos).Porque é o Benfica anda a querer ver-se livre do Capdevila, quando nesta altura é o melhor defesa esquerdo que temos? Onde anda o Luís Martins?O lado direito da defesa é outra nódoa. E se o Maxi se aleija, como é que é? Mete-se lá o Djalol?Adivinha-se (mais) um desastre.
  • #d2i // December 29, 2009 at 8:22 pmJS – were you able to find that email about the Treasury? I’ve read similar information as well. Thanks in advance.(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((No….I think I accidentally deleted it because I get so much stuff on the FRAUD….I went through my emails and my saved documents and couldn’t find it!!
  • hm, ich dächte, ich habe das mal bei der d200 gelesen, bin mir aber nicht so sicher .freut mich, wenn der artikel wenigstens einer person gefallen hat .
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  • thank The book is set in 1930’s New Jersey, and with the traditional mindset of Frieda – how should she show her affection other than nag, and be a traditional housewife? There were also many
  • Let's face it--if we actually hired for the position based on qualifications and experience, neither McCain nor Obama would be at the top of the candidate pool. We select our leaders based not on how well they can lead, but on how well they can campaign.I'm reminded of : "I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?"
  • Totally agree- this tool looks really awesome. Hopefully Afternic will be able to market/advertise it properly so that individuals, companies, and startups use it (as opposed to just domainers).
  • hÃ¥ller med, sitter ocksÃ¥ och stickar massor just nu, det kommer att bli mÃ¥nga hemgjorda klappar i Ã¥r :)vad fin den översta är, vad ska det bli?
  • Hei.Ã… søren. Det sto pÃ¥ tv'en her, men jeg satt selvfølgelig ute pÃ¥ verandaen og fikk det ikke med meg. Men nÃ¥ skal jeg se om det ligger pÃ¥ nrk nett-tv. Spent...Klem Mona C
  • good one…just like the plates and portions…little by little…inch by inch…they get bigger and bigger…lol…and then we say…how’d this happen?…
  • I was curious if you ever considered changing the structure of your site? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?
  • Another gorgeous candy here Bev, thanks sooo very much for the chance to win these goodies.Have a wonderful and fun week-end ahead of you hun.
  • Excellent item, really good people who truly believe in this solution, mainly because it supports that medicine evolved satisfactorily and helps many people with this information, since many can not visit a doctor for lack of money that the economy is much less due to across the world.
  • Great article!Israel today is, where it always was, for millennia.Ireland too was occupied once by a foreign empire. No wonder the two imperial peoples, the English and the Russians, support the other failed imperial people's revanchism, the Arab's. Jews are from Judea, Arabs are from ARABIA. They are invaders and colonizers in all of today's Arab OCCUPIED World.
  • By :Bingo- that’s my point. That’s your rental market, a floor for home prices as investors with real money (foreign and domestic) start to step in. Remember- they get depreciatiion write-offs that help counter any real drops in the asset value so future price declines have less impact on their financial calculations.Also, if they take a loss, it can be offset against other capital gains, or to a limited extent, ordinary income. – Rate this comment: 0  0
  • As soon as I started this post, I thought, “I hope she sued, because that’s what you do when a car touches your car–you sue!” But it sounds like the insurance company sort of did the right thing anyway.As for the picture, it looks like my dog: a rescue that’s part dachshund and part Jack Russell terrier.
  • Dear Nikki, My faveorite movie would have to be the Patriot. It's about the Loyalists and the Patriots. It gives you a better understanding of how the United States has come to be. It can be quite violent but it's perfect if you need to learn more about the 1700's!
  • Én csak hangosan gondolkodok, de Kína miért nem tesz meg mindent azért, hogy Korea egy legyen újra??? Gondolom akkora a különbség észak és dél között, hogy a déliek anyagilag elég komolyan belerokkannának! És akkor Kína Ázsiában gyorsabban kerülhetne gazdasági és technológiai hatalomra. Mert azért a koreai elektronikai cégek még bÅ‘ven elÅ‘ttük járnak…Vagy akkora piac Észak-Korea Kínának???Tetszik / Egyetértek: 0 Az értékeléshez be kell
  • I have read some good stuff here. Certainly worth bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how much effort you put to make such a fantastic informative website.
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  • I’ve used “Jesus Calling” as a daily devotional for a couple years in a row. Each day I find something new and encouraging! I would love to be further encouraged by this new book!!
  • Estou precisando que seja encontrado o carrinho de bebe da minha filha com urgencia!!Nao posso mais ficar carregando ela no colo.Voo 3887 brasilia – Curitiba dia 19/03Urgente, urgente!!
  • Von wegen Kommunistin. Merkel ist schlicht und ergreifend Machtpolitikerin. Beispiele dafür wären z.B. Stalin, Napoleon, Caesar und vlt. G. W. Bush junior, wobei Bush mit massiv Abstand der blödeste & unfähigste in der Reihe ist.
  • When I saw this "hot mic" moment, I nearly spit out the food I was eating. Shocking, appalling, traitorous, unforgivable,and also hard to even believe; and yet, I am not surprised.
  • My favorite place is still Yellow in Potts Point. You can find my full review of it on virtualtourist. New Yorker, but can provide a Sydney address. Back here often.
  • that dress is awesome! and i don't know how you can always pull off layering socks so well. i just look like a stumpy festival of stumpitude whenever i try. hope you feel better!
  • no tok mat mana pulak ni? bukan ke tok mat dah meninggal? o ni sukusakat dia la yer?.Haha tokmat2..bila kena video edit camtu pandai pulak marah yer?tak payah cakap "kalau kami pun boleh edit"la dah memang hari2 tu la kerja media pengampu ko tu.fitnah? kat rtm,utusan berlambak.Apa cerita surat bekas ketua CID yang kata dna kes liwat palsu? ada keluar dalam media?
  • Have you given any thought at all with converting your main web page into Chinese? I know a couple of of translaters here that will would help you do it for free if you wanna contact me personally. February 26, 2013
  • Muito bom!Ótimo cast, ótimo site!Capricharam no conteúdo e escolheram muito bem quem sequestrar.Muitos pontos pra qualidade do audio, dá pra ouvir todos mesmo com volume baixo e sem aquelas malditas explosões que realmente me incomodam em muitos casts.Parabéns galera!Já vou ter de ouvir o outro podcast de RPG no Brasil, mas antes tenho que dar uma parada no cast das mulheres.
  • Lara Jo - That’s exactly where we’re headed, Heidi! I think we’re talking about the same person. Also have some good friends who have booths and sell on eBay and do quite well, so I have high hopes. Thanks for your well wishes and thanks for stopping by!Reply
  • I check the specific gravity of my glaze once the firing proves it to be what I want and mark my container. The next time I mix that glaze I will be able to repeat the consistency so my new glaze will be like my previous one.
  • For 7d I had so many cross letters that the answer jumped out at me without having to think too much about it. But if I had been given this clue on its own it would have stumped me for ages because the clue just does not look like an all-in-one cryptic, it looks for all the world as segmented. Very clever.
  • For a long time I have not known what positivity is….would come home and panic about every little thing. Now I am trying to say hey, I have my health, I have my friends. So I can get through those gnawing grating things that might come into my day. I can only change me….change me into the beautiful person that I am, somebody out there is going to be very lucky to have me in their life some day….
  • will display Breadcrumb Links in websites that generated by PHP Report Maker 5.1, as well as the similar customization in PHPMaker 9. Please always refer to that article if you want to implement the Breadcrumb Links in your report
  • GoDaddy is fine for domain names, but I would not host a website there. I’ve heard numerous complaints about service, server speed, and outages.Try one of the many WordPress recommended budget hosting companies like: MediaTemple, Bluehost, or DreamHost.
  • Joseholiday. Go read a recent article dedicated to Torres and his form at Chelseafc360. Watch football in a different light and besides that article,I agree with Benitez that Torres doesn’t get enough service. Especially from deep.Reply
  • Thanks for taking us through the Slovak Paradise. I had heard about it but I couldn’t visualize the ladders and all. I love your photos and the way you tell the story of the villages, history, and food along the hike. Could I use your photos for a power point or promo? If I can, who should I credit. They’re beautiful!
  • bi (7)-Wow, what a revelation. Money managers, bankers and other insiders love Bergabe. Who woulda thunk it?Bergabe is a puppet, a fraud, a cheat and a liar. He should be tried for treason, then executed.
  • on If you run an online business through organic search are its cost effectiveness and affordability. Understanding this flow is a much friendlier, and effective URL. Those Pesky Keywords Now, where do you need? {||||
  • The way we make it special was to give my kids their “own” Bible. (Both were used that were handed down to them and coming apart from love already) We read it every night to them and ask them questions about it. My daughter now has my old Bible carrier that she carries hers in and keeps on her bed (under the pillow) as well. She’d love her very own Princess Bible that’s just for her!
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  • I really, really love this post!I think it's popular because it is naughty. And because everyone is reading it (or at least every female it seems, including your grandma), it gives one permission to read it. So it becomes insanely popular. And because e-readers are perfect for naughty books.And we want to see what all the fuss is about. That's why I read it. I wanted to know what I was missing.
  • Bruna comentou em 10 de janeiro de 2011 às 15:14. Oi Júlia, tudo bem?Estava dando uma olhada no site da vogue na matéria Olho por Olho, que mostra a tendência de make pra 2011, e me apaixonei perdidamente por um esfumado do Just Cavalli, é mais pro inverno com um tom de cinza azulado e outro cinza bem fechado.Gostaria que voce fizesse algum dia no passo a passo esse olho, porque é lindo!!!Muito obrigada por todas essas dicas que você sempre passa pra gente!Bjs
  • I experimented with taking a look at your blog on my mobile phone and the page layout doesnt seem to be correct. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellular phone layouts are not working with your web site.
  • dit :Si l’on passe par Bruxelles, nous ne manquerons pas de vous rendre une petite visite ! Merci en tout cas pour votre commentaire qui nous fait vraiment très plaisir :) Amélie et Emelie
  • Grasielle,Na própria embalagem já contém a posologia, mas nós aqui não temos o hábito de “receitar” qualquer coisa que seja. O que recomendamos, caso queira tomar ou qualquer outro produto para , é conversar com o seu médico ou nutricionista para lhe indicar a melhor forma de a tomar.
  • Feb28Samuro When UFC isnt even real martial artsmartial arts isnt a sport. my friend. its a way of life. real martial arts are more brutal than you sports buffs will ever guess. most of the stuff arent even allowed in the ring or octagon.
  • – It depends on the time of year. I’m shooting right when they get a few weeks of green algae. Also, if you want real crystal clear water you have to to the Bahamas which do have 100ft visibility in blue water. Part of the problem with the Florida Keys, is that they are dumping their treated sewage and that is causing Algae growth. I’ve been to the very tip of Key West, and there, you can see the water look much cleaner and bluer.
  • Pour Strauss-Kahn, le « revenu minimum 850€ »… C’est la nouvelle valeur du SMIC !!! Sinon, Monsieur Vidberg est toujours la pour nous donner la patate, la banane… enfin, des produits qui donnent la pêche.(Oui, très mauvais)
  • If I were God I’d use my super powers to force the world to have World Peace so that we could all help each other improve our lives. I know Jesus would disagree about forcing my will on the world, but he too would have to comply because God — The Father says it’s so!
  • Mariona wrote.. Very interesting!I'll take your phrase "Fashion is the voice of Collective Unconscioustotally out-of-control "When you talk about: Schizophrenic, MUTANT OPULENCE FUN … would include, for a woman sweeping, free, mutant, sexy and powerful.The closure, superb, clean smile, we were happy to unconsciously.a muaa
  • maksh banyak pa..kalo saya maw konsultasi dengan tugas TA saya gpp pak??^^kalo ingin mencari tentang isu-isu akuntansi keuangan dimana yah pak??mkasih pak..^^
  • Entre deux cultures célébrer les 18ans d'un jeune est souvent un défi lorsqu'on accumule les traditions. Un discours tendre bien sur, discours que je suis en train de préparer pour le dernier de nos enfants... sniff.
  • salamo 3aayomappel au webmaster, priere de repondre a cette damme.en fait ici a berkane des opprtniste replisent ces formulaire pour les gens contre 20 dh voila ce que ca donne.
  • exposing Islam and its war against the west.  In this rather lengthy article, Geller dissects the interview of Imam Rauf (Ground Zero Mosque) done by Bill O’Reilly on the “no spin zone&#… today.  (Highlights added.)  She explains some key concepts in both the Imam’s thinking
  • c’est du n’importe quoi les propos de mme pense que’l vous n’a rien compris aux problemes des jeunes .il n’y pas que des jeunes musulmans qui portent les casquettes.j’ai l’impression que depuis le faut debat sur l’dentité nationnale les les élus de droite sont devenus
  • I had never heard of the National Park passport books! That is cool! My kids love doing the JR Ranger programs at the parks and receiving JR ranger patches or pins!
  • Escrevi do carro, enquanto aquecia o motor, daí que essa emenda tenha saído ainda pior que o soneto. Desculpem lá. E façam o favor de eliminar a vírgula e acrescentar o “foi” que me faltou na frase.Cá vos irei lendo com interesse.
  • I was about to say: when did you get sheep?! I’m glad you explained it. Right now I’m only feeding chipmunks (just waking up from winter slumber), raccoons (they sometimes empty the bird feeders at night), deer (they help the raccoons), and of course squirrels. It’s surprising that the birds ever get any seed!
  • Thanks for sharing such useful tips with us. I admire the valuable information you offer in your post. It helps me a lot to enhance my knowledge, I really like the way the writer presented his views.
  • Oeeeeeeee Wimpie smaak my jy is in vir ‘n ding. Maar jy beter foto plaas van jou medgesel.AntjieNorris dis lekker om jou komment ook te lees. Ons verlang na jou.Lekker dag Wimpie. O jaaaa Danie Waar by Harties gaan julle rugby kyk, is daar iewers ‘n samekoms??Eben
  • I fell in love with the show on You Tube and bought an all-region DVD player so I could buy the entire series on DVD. Michael Crawford is an absolutely brilliant comedian – a real genius. It's not just his physical ability (holy cow, the stunts he does are incredible – I can not believe he actually went under that truck), but everything else as? well. He literally inhabits the character of Frank Spencer to the point where you can't find any trace of Michael there at all.
  • We will make a solar car. Now collecting information about it. We want to know that what type of electricity we can produce from solar energy: ac,dc or both? So how we can use the produced electricity for our solar car? Thanks.
  • A well-shot video, and a good preso.A couple issues, however: Something about Americans preferring subtle advertising over big made me spit out my coffee.Also, his knowledge of the Korean food scene in the west is very limited, which is to be expected. He doesn't live here and is getting all his info from Twitter. Of course most restaurants are not on Twitter.
  • By the way, thank you so much, won this prior to christmas and gave to my 15YO, who’d have thought with it sitting on his dresser that there’d still be gumballs left on Jan 31. Thank you again, he loves it!
  • {Aahaa|Heehaa|Yess|Yoman|Yo Boy|Hi Guy|Hi man|Hii Guy|Hi Flog|Hey|Howdy|Hi there|Heya|Hey there|Hi|Hello}…A lot of of what you point out happens to be astonishingly appropriate and it makes me ponder the reason why I had not looked at this in this light before. This particular article truly did switch the light on for me as far as this specific subject mat…
  • i never gotta chance to tell you heidi, even going to school with you all these years, but i had the bigggest crush on you, i hope i make it to heaven where you are to see you once again someday, love always justin bales
  • mon amie, tu ne peux pas me faire ça! je n'ai pas encore terminé de te copier les petits pains et le tourbillon qu'il faut que je recommence...ok...c'est toi qui m'obbliges :)) l'un de ces jours je les refais sans gluten, merci por la recette et bonne soirée, ciao :))
  • Vous avez tout à fait raison : il faudrait que ceux qui servent la démocratie n’ait ni passé, ni opinion personnelle, et s’obligent à ne prendre aucun engagement, à n’émettre aucune idée, et à ne jamais rien décider.Vous vous relisez avant d’envoyer vos posts ?
  • Hallo,Wo sind denn die vielen schönen Fischfotos und die vielen Infos geblieben?Warum habt Ihr alles rausgeschmissen ???Freue mich auf Antwort#Gruß Anette
  • 24/05/2010 - 9:54pmpues como te dije antes al pacino era una opinión pero que no tenía demasiado “trabajada”.posiblemente sea más justo como dices tú, aunque imagino que también el aval sirve como filtro para que no se pueda presentar hasta el tato, y hacer el ridículo a nivel nacional en las presentaciones de candidaturas, en las entrevistas con los medios, etc.
  • You Lie! It wouldn’t earn you an IP from a proxy service site…Here’s a novel thought; try the truth for a change. Start with your real name, e-mail, and no proxy ID. Than let’s see how much of an internet tough guy you are…
  • 224 5fOctober 22, 2012  5:34 pm 3by c5 ec 250I have realized that online degree is getting preferred because obtaining your degree online has turned into a popular alternative for many people. Quite a few people have not necessarily had an opportunity to attend a normal college or university but seek the raised earning potential and career advancement that a Bachelors Degree grants. Still people might have a college degree in one discipline but would like to pursue anything they now have an interest in.
  • I would recommend a tablet PC which is Wacom “penabled”. There are specific types which are. I have an old thinkpad and it still works great w/ Sketchbook Pro. It’s not powerful enough to run Adobe software but great to sketch on and transfer to your mac for final painting.I’m a mac person myself so I’d prefer a mac. I wish apple would make an artist’s laptop like this as that’s a lot of their audience.
  • fotoÄŸraf sergini açmak için daha neyi bekliyorsun.(bir kıvılcım çaktı mı?:))içlerinden birini beÄŸendim ki tam benlik.ilk müşteri ben olacağım.güzel kareler için tebrikler
  • Bravo, CDG! Your writing has impressed me over the past year – your certainly have the gift! You certainly have the talent for those marvelous moments building up to a little romance and some good hot sex. So glad you stepped out and self published. Your example for other writers is meaningful and wholly welcome!
  • A faire du tout illimité à ce tarif la, il faudra bien lire les CGV. Il y aura forcément des restrictions à un moment ou a u autre.. D’autre part, Free n’ayant pas de réseau en propre et utilisant celui d’Orange, ces derniers ont intérêt à l’avoir redimensionné en conséquence, sinon, bonjour la saturation aux heures chargées.. Attention aux déconvenues..
  • พูดว่า:Hi guys I believe this is a great post I will definetely keep up reading your works, well done. It is very important to have quality contents on the web, we can use them as a reliable source for our projects.I’ve read it with pleasure and I’m sure I’m gonna read all the other things you will write, good job man!.
  • Les liens du 15.9.11 concernent la version 12.1 (Symantec 12.1.671.4971) et ceux d'aujourd'hui la version 12.1.2 (Symantec 12.1.2015.2105). Grande différence car il n'y a que la 12.1.2015.2105 qui est compatible avec Win8 et WinServer2012.
  • hi!,I like your writing very so much! share we communicate more about your article on AOL? I need a specialist on this house to unravel my problem. May be that’s you! Looking ahead to see you.
  • Adam Marc James: Thanks! Agreed, there's very little more effortless than a onesie but I'm not sure that I'd like to see lots of men wearing them.Blackbox: Now that is an scene that I'd love to see more.Glamour Bbey: Thanks, will do!.Anonymous: Hats are difficult. I for one, would like to see more men wear them but I agree that they can shift the focus away on an outfit because they have become so uncommon. Perhaps if more men wore one then they would be noticed less.
  • that you have to grind up potatoes and onions in the food processor, and that the tricky part is to get all of the water out so that they can be fried. So they're probably closer to potato pancakes than they are to potato bread.
  • miam miam, j’en commande pour ma visite en novembre !!! ça a l’air trop bon… et non, non, ne me dis pas qu’il n’y a pas de myrtilles en novembre, ils en font de très bonnes chez PICARD !!!« Il » a aimé au moins????gros bisous
  • I love using a work out interval timer like the gymboss uk while I am performing our workout routine. Without one I simply become bored and finish the schedule.
  • Yes, I think bisexuals exist a bit outside of most peoples perception, with quite a bit of resentment from the gay/hetero communities when they realise that you don’t 100% belong to them
  • А представьте, если бы Ваш блог был бы повыше в рейтинге Яндекса, очень много бы людей прочли этот пост.
  • From what I hear, September 25th is a good day to be born.  Lots of great birthdays celebrated on this day–Barbara Walters, Scottie Pippen, the Word of the Day, Scooter Girl.  Oh happy day!  Thanks for your continued efforts to spice up the conversations of the “like, you know, whatever” generation!Love,Nicole
  • It is so interesting the memories that we choose to hold on to in our lives. I always hope and pray that my children will remember all of the wonderful memories that I have attempted to create….but sometimes they will talk about the oddest things that happened long ago….I guess you never know what will stick. I certainly have some interesting things that I remember from my childhood. Thanks for sharing:)
  • Very good blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m totally confused .. Any recommendations? Cheers!
  • sono entrata scettica con gli occhialoni (chi non si è fatto fare la foto con gli occhialoni?), poi….‘mi sono innamorata della foresta, del popolo Omaticaya….’che bellezza!!!hei, ho affondato le unghie nel braccio del mio compagno durante i voli e i combattimenti! mi sono commossa tra le felci rosa e gli anemoni opalescenti!!sono la stessa che ha alzato il sopraciglio davanti a La prima cosa bella e A single man. Tutti gli apriorì capovolti.what’s wrong with me?!?
  • Speaking of unemployment- a friend just also got another extension and he will be collecting unemployment for a year and 1/2, fully funded by us taxpayers. He doesn’t have a lot of motivation to take just any job because his gov’t checks are enough combined w/his wife’s salary to live just fine. Yes, this certainly does bother me because I decided to take another job instead of sitting back and collecting unemployment, which I could have done.
  • Damit hast du doch schon die Antwort gegeben. Weitere W-Promo ist in München scheinbar nicht nötig. Finds ein bisschen eigenartig, dass auch der komplette Osten weggelassen wurde. Was soll’s! ;)
  • Mitterahalise sissemakse ese peab olema vaba kolmandate isikute õigustest sellele. Kui järelmaksuga soetatud asja omand kuulub teile (puudub omandireservatsiooni märge järelmaksulepingus), siis võite neid esemeid sissemaksuks kasutada.
  • Would it possible to send a copy of ‘Die kalte Sonne’ to each and everyone person in/of the Swedish Parliament ( =”Riksdag”) ?If necessary, I can certainly translate the content into Swedish, this assurance based on ~ 26 years of living/working in Hamburg – btw. one of the best [major] cities in the World. Plenty mny txs to You, all, ‘Hamburgers’…Viele und warme Gruesse aus der Bestkueste Schwedens//TJ
  • Merci beaucoup pour les explications, je n’ai jamais pensé à utiliser cette fonction qui pourtant est bien pratique.Je dois finaliser un module cette semaine et je vais rajouter cette fonction dans ma todolist .Encore merci !
  • Based on the slant and accuracy of most of the news reporting I see, I would not be so quick to jump on this. We don't have the facts, we have a news story based on a reporter and some interviewees. The threat may have been sudden, a quick movement, something in guy's hand, and a response by a partner that ended the threat.Yes, it's a hairball the way it's reported, but honestly, how many other news stories do you accept at face value?
  • Realza lo buenoRepresentación de la grandeza del país.• En la primera fase, el comité de cada departamento escogió varios lugares que llenaran los requisitos para participar.• El jurado nacional eligió tres finalistas de cada uno de los 22 departamentos.• La segunda fase tuvo lugar del 12 de agosto al 25 de septiembre, en donde cada departamento escogió su maravilla que lo representaría a escala nacional.• Las obras elegidas como Las 7 maravillas de Guatemala obtuvieron plaquetas de reconocimiento, y las tres primeras, aportes económicos.
  • Tack!Jag har just köpt mig en digital ”Systemkamera”och sÃ¥ ville jag titta pÃ¥ manuell inställning, fick rÃ¥det att ställa in pÃ¥ 1/100 sekund,men hittade inte det i min kamera…NU förstÃ¥r jag!Är sÃ¥ glad att jag hittat er sida!
  • Acho que não ficou claro, mas o que eu quis dizer é que a coluna matchcode é uma cópia da coluna com capitalização alternada, só que com o texto em maiúsculas. Mesmo assim, sem mudar a estrutura da tabela o jeito é usar mesmo Native SQL como vc fez, porque o OpenSQL infelizmente tem essas limitações.
  • CONGRATULATIONS, AIDAN!!!! I’m sorry the day wasn’t what you had thought it would (could, should) be. I hate it, but I find that, too often, those who give the most tend to get the least back. I wish a bunch of us could descend on you, scoop you up and take you out for an AidansBookIsHere! Day. One of TKW’s little drink recipes, your books, a bundle of balloons and a pretty clump of flowers, just for you. Oh, and did I mention one of TKW’s little drink recipes…? Congratulations one more time!
  • Uuuups! Was sehen meine Äuglein denn da?!... Ich hab gewonnen?!Hach, wie schön! Ich freu mich ja sooooo!!!Ganz, ganz lieben Dank, ich mach mich dann mal direkt auf den Weg ;O)...Liebe Grüße,Marina
  • Buenas!!!!! dudaba q me gustaran las canciones,pero lo poco que he escuchado me encantan!!!!!!!!!!a mi Madre también jajajaja,bueno,Fiebre Del Sábado Noche,potencia pa colocarse como un gran hit tiene,esperemos que lo próximo sea un disco nuevo de Roxette,a disfrutad
  • Hmm it looks like your website ate my 1st comment (it absolutely was super long) therefore I assume I’ll simply add it up what I wrote and say, I’m totally enjoying your blog. I too am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to everything. Do you have any useful hints for rookie blog writers? I’d genuinely appreciate it.
  • También acabo de descubri vuestro blog, mi web también está relacioanada con la decoración, me encantan la idea de decorar las paredes con fotos, soy aficionado a la fotografía analógica y digital, tengo multitud de paredes en mi casa con mis propias fotografías. saludos y enhorabuena.
  • Cierto, no quería sugerir que los tertulianos desaparecieran, pero creo que sí perderan fuerza como “autoridades analíticas” cuando los cuantitativos sean integrados a las tertulias.
  • And of course in classic fashion Tango once again changes the terms of the debate. For every film a new argument comes into play!Even if the new numbers stand on AKS this does not change the thrust of my post. Tango acted in bad faith! Why did he not put up his box office report here?!
  • The world should follow Google's steps and hopefully make "Auto-Captioning" a standard in everything!Thanks Google, and Thanks Ken Harrenstien (a deaf engineer who helped develop the translation system).
  • Kim, the dark color really makes them pop against the wall color. I think you made the right choice there. They turned out fantastic.
  • I have quite a lot I think my main ones would be:1. Cliffhangers at the end of a book2. Typos in books3. Ebooks costing the same as paperbacks/hardbacks4. People who look at you with pity when you say that you're a writer but haven't had anything published, they seem to think that it's really easy to do!(
  • I’m truly enjoying the design and layout of your blog. It’s a very easy on the eyes which makes it much more pleasant for me to come here and visit more often. Did you hire out a developer to create your theme? Exceptional work!
  • Picked up the Teisco Melody last night and unfortunately one of the axial caps (a 80MFD x 150WV) is broken right at the cap (unable to solder back on), so the task of trying to track down replacements is on. There’s nothing in Vancouver, BC that I can purchase from local suppliers (with the exception of a couple of radial 100MFD x 160WV or 100MFD x 250V). Any advice on where I can buy replacements would be most welcome as I can put in the radials now to get the amp up and running but would like to get axials as they look more like stock units.Jim
  • Dette er utvilsomt en av de mest vellykkede OL markedsf?ring sak, men ogs? omverdenen som “ambush marketing”. Den s?kalte “bakholdsangrep markedsf?ring” er den uoffisielle sponsor, egen merkevare gjennom en rekke markedsf?ringsverkt?y, event. Fordi bakhold markedsf?ring ikke betale sponsing avgift, og kan v?re offisiell sponsor av konkurrentene, har London olympiske organisasjonskomiteen har pr?vd ? unng? forekomst av bakhold markedsf?ring.
  • Udah kenyang maen game di N-gage dulu,, Terutama game2 yg memang khusus untuk N-Gage. Sekarang udah jarang banget maen lagi di HP. Tapi yang jelas, saya merasa sangat puas banget dgn kualitas hp Nokia.
  • Hi Heather, thanks. I have to admit that I did use a slider on my Home page for my Scarlet and Jones shop, but that’s because I wanted to display different content in an engaging way, not just because I could. I think shop design should always be content driven.
  • Som du sikkert har lest nÃ¥ sÃ¥ finnes det…ikke bare pÃ¥ meny men pÃ¥ de fleste store dagligvare butikkene… som coop mega, meny, ica maxi osv. der de som regel har stort utvalg i ALT lykke til.Som du sikkert har lest nÃ¥ sÃ¥ finnes det…ikke bare pÃ¥ meny men pÃ¥ de fleste store dagligvare butikkene… som coop mega, meny, ica maxi osv. der de som regel har stort utvalg i ALT lykke til.
  • Nice post at 301 Moved Permanently. I was checking continuously this blog and I am impressed! Very helpful information specifically the last part I care for such information much. I was seeking this certain info for a long time. Thank you and good luck.
  • was probably the first time in 2 months their girls had seen Amaya. They’ve loved her since we first brought her over to football last fall.Amaya started making this new happy scrunchy face with the girls.The original plan for
  • funny, I’ve exactly the same thoughts about carrot soup. In fact, I tried one once and it was so sweeet. So maybe I should really try your recipe and make friends with carrot soup!!
  • Nevermind, it’s in the forum so I watched it there. Too adorable, OMFG. Seriously, Eric is killing me here.Love Sookie’s reaction to him too.    0 likes
  • Well, I haven't started yet, but my 13 year old daughter has. She has a mini Christmas tree in her bedroom. She strung lights all of her walls, taped paper snowflakes to her closet door and adhered a Santa hat to her wall. She was a Christmas elf for Halloween and has been in the spirit for weeks. The local radio station is already playing Christmas music. All in all, I am getting pretty excited about Christmas already.
  • Cody, how do you equate BG not visiting a high school with BG not treating people like a human being? If that’s your example then I just hope you’re not a lawyer.And get your facts straight regarding Larry Davis. Davis committed to NC State and their coach was fired. Davis then started looking at other schools, including SHU.
  • The EU is corrupt and against democracy.. Down with the EU and free the people. Why do people not like the EU. Beacuse we are not all idiots. We dont want a commie dicatorership. The EU can go scew itself. May the EU wither and die.
  • Adoption: No Better Way to Understand Christianity If you want to judge how well a person understands Christianity, find out how much he makes of the thought of being God’s child, and having God as his Father. —J. I. Packer
  • * A tous et toutes, ravie que la recette vous plaise ainsi que la photo :-)* Tiuscha : "Brocante gourmande" est un livre qui mèle des recettes de cuisine avec de la vaisselle d'autrefois. Les photos sont superbes et il y a de très belles idées. A la fin du livre, tu retrouves également toute l'histoire de la vaisselle et des objets chinés photographiés. Un pur bonheur !
  • eeeeeeek - wie süß sind die denn bitte??!!Also ich find die Box auch traumhaft, bin von den süßen Kerlchen aber echt total abgelenkt - ich liebe Pinguine wirklich sehr :)Viele GrüßeSabrina
  • Que ondas joaco, no te preocupes en un rato se llena de comentarios, tenia dias sin entrar a tu blog por que por fin ya me dijo mi jefe que me paga por trabajar no por andar en internet, pero pues ni modo. Hey como siempre muy buena historia, y no te hagas bolas mucha es entendible la historia y tenes razon el chavo de el ocho entro en muchos hogares que no eran mexicanos y fue un exito, lo que comprueba que no importan los modismos de cada pais, al final el sentimiento es lo mismo. Cuidate vos y por aqui estare mas seguido.
  • This is the stable worst firmware update ever:1.) All profile pictures are lost.2.) An additional account with my user name has been added. Its password is unknown so I had to delete it.3.) The combination STRG+M to open the file manager does not work anymore.I have a Google Chromebook (first generation).
  • Please let me know if you’re looking for a writer for your site. You have some really great posts and I think I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d absolutely love to write some content for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please send me an email if interested. Regards!
  • Chris,Great post. I’ve been using it in my classes at Macau University of Science and Technology to give my students some ideas about differences in cost of living. When I show them the 50,000 USD salary, many of them get wide-eyed…until they see how much is left. The article also gives us a chance to talk about different standards of living and even little things like health insurance, tips, and sales tax. Thanks for a really useful discussion tool.
  • dduck Roro, I don’t necessarily agree with the what GWW article (also a little too wordy, for me), but she makes some good points. I’d be interested in your opinion of the article.No this is not a trap, I never do that.
  • zwoops! I forgot to tell you all where I got everything from! Can you tell I’m a newbie at being a fashion blogger? My bad. Here is the break down:Dress: TargetBelt: Forever 21 (came with some cropped pants)Cardigan: TargetShoes: Old Navy (last year)Earrings: World MarketThanks for keeping me in check, Rachel
  • I started reading some of Seth Godin's blogs and thoughts a while ago. He helped me think "outside the box" with our culture, including education, how businesses can function and much more. Thanks for sharing.
  • Great information…This is wondrous. Two of us stare upon this sort of gist therefore we are surprised. We are precisely attracted to this sort of options. Our store appreciate his tips, and value your time with this. Please keep control. They may be specifically vital s…
  • Coming to see you soon Dr. Kim!! Have you ever seen anyone have really bad keloid (sp?) scarring from a tummy tuck? My c-section scar is really bad. Thank you!
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  • Cezar Ungureanu spune:  PC Parinte,         Va felicit pentru articolul dvs. Observ ca a-ti tratat tema din perspectiva liturgica, insa indraznesc sa va solicit si cateva considerente personale cu privire la curentul eclesiologiei euharistice. Multumesc !!!
  • Michael,There are certainly a few people thinking along the same lines as us at the moment. One of the most important challenges will be to integrate the various collaborative approaches to scientific communication. They need to talk to each other seamlessly. I’m putting a lot of faith in the fact that we are going to be working on an open source publishing platform to help achieve this.Chris
  • Be careful. You have just committed a serious crime. Which could land you in prison one day when treasonous lying is criminalized everywhere and the law is then applied retrospectively.
  • C’est super avec du nude ce corail non ?Oh la la je suis nulle !!!Bon on récapitule : peau très pâle, yeux bleus, cheveux… ça dépend des fois. en ce moment châtain poivre et sel.Ce blush sera bien pour moi ou j’aurai l’air d’une grosse carotte ?hum hum… tout le monde n’a pas l’oeil d’experte de Capucine !BisousAnne
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  • · Voir ici, point 5. MD5() est une fonction SQL, donc non spécifique à phpMyAdmin. Donc à moins que SQLBuddy ne permette pas d’exécuter une requête entrée à la main (ce qui serait quand même étonnant), tu peux le faire comme ça.
  • harry disarma drago anche nella stanza delle necessità quindi a casa malfoy si poteva fare questo piccolo cambiamento ma riguardo a tutti non sono d’accordo.poi che luogo squallido dove morire… la rimessa delle barche
  • onde esta o nome do politicos?iguape esta ha muito tempo nas maos desses inuteis que so veem o dinheiro que podem retirar do erario.é a melhor cidade do vale e nao pode mais ter esse tipo de gente no comando municipal, ta mais do que na hora de inovar.
  • *There are undoubtedly a great deal of details like that to take into consideration. That is a great point to bring up. I offer the thoughts above as common inspiration but clearly there are questions like the one you bring up where the most important thing is going to be working in honest great faith. I don?t know if best practices have emerged around items like that, but I am positive that your job is clearly identified as a fair game. Both boys and girls feel the impact of just a moment’s pleasure, for the rest of their lives.
  • Very little changes from year to year. The same occurred when Philadelphia was the capital of the nation and the Aurora and its ilk made money being petty.Petty sells sadly.
  • Thanks so much for your write ups about this pan!! I've never heard of it until now! (mountain tortoise.. whahaha) You're so tempting me to buy this. So a quick question, does the pan give that nice 'wok hei' for the fried dishes?
  • Ola Valdirene, tb sou dentista em londrina-paraná, e tb tenho interesse em cadastro pelo sus, se vc tiver alguma informação podemos nos ajudar neste sentido.Agradeço e aguardo retorno.
  • Karen North Central Kentucky I like all of your posts, Carol I like to read and walk (but not usually at the same time..:P)The Lord, my family, and my laptop computerGreat idea Carol!Happy Mother's Day weekend,Karen
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  • Euh, non, David, pas vraiment.Découvrir une particule qui correspond aux critères attendus du Boson de Higgs (et de Brout-Englert), la découvrir là où la théorie de ces derniers prévoyaient qu’elle soit, c’est bel et bien découvrir le boson de Higgs.
  • FP, the Croats allied with the Nazis during WWII and are openly proud of this, they feel not the slightest guilt or regret over their actions. The Croats are just as rotten as the Muslims, and fought by their side against the Serbs during the Balkan wars of the 90's.
  • Aw, this was a really nice post. In idea I wish to put in writing like this additionally – taking time and actual effort to make a very good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and by no means appear to get something done.
  • shankar: dead horse it shall bedavid: long ago..K S Ong: deny them biggest majority. helps alot.Yatz: they will surely lose A LOT of seats..miwaki: I don’t support any of them.jun: I’m lost just like you, but at least, we could vote wisely. Bah, there is no wise in politics. -__-
  • Aw, this was an extremely good post. Spending some time and actual effort to make a great article… but what can I say… I hesitate a whole lot and never seem to get anything done.
  • disse:oioi adorei o seu blog, tem muitas dicas e imagens pra inspirar qualquer evento… estou inciando meu blog, eu faço convites personalizados… beijinhos e de uma passadinha lá
  • A muito tempo que baixo filme e tenho obrigação de comenta esse filme e muito ruim ,como poderão ter tanto mal gosto a sim ,não acista não perca tempo. esto dando nota um porque e o brigado pelo site . Nota: 1
  • Oh, perfect! The three of us should set up a dinner date so you two can talk about Bilski all night and he can get it out of his system for a week or so.
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  • So…when we say “feed” the starter, is it only adding flour and water in equal weights, or does the “feeding” include adding more cabbage.Also, does one mix the flower and water together prior to or after adding it to the starter vessel.Thanks.
  • x apa di tukang cuci. dema dah kaya raya. mu kena berenti kerja jgn mkn gaji k'rjaan. duit x halal bila najib jadi pm. dia ambik duit haram bayar gaji muu. mu nak bela anak bini mcm mana. tak boleh beri mkn anakk2. haram duit 2. mu kena g motong getah / kerja kontrek baru duit halal. duit titik peluh muu laaa awang ooooo. dolah naik nyook
  • j0 pal y u h8 so much?Actually WoAi, I _did_ send you a quite thorough mail containing [links to] pictures of Charlie the cat as well as the full biography. Maybe your spam filter picked it up as black guy mail and assumed it was jibberish? Or maybe you’re just racist against black people (but not so much white!) like most mainlanders. Problem is i’m white. And not just white, but the nice kind of white (you know the kind that mass murderer and terrorist Anders Behring Breivik is).
  • "With the economy teetering on the edge of recession, government finances in the red, raunchy deli meats flooding the store-shelves of the nation . . . " . . . and Liberals unable to capitalize on any of it. Oh well.
  • f9Bonjour Damien,Pourrais tu me contacter par email pour la meme problématique. Je test actuellement ton module mais j’ai besoin de tracker mes commandes avec un tag de conversion.Merci
  • Hallo Ellen,wunderbar finde ich die Custom Fields für mein Kunden CMS. Danke für die klare und einfache Ãœbersicht, welche ein schnelles Umsetzen ermöglichten.Gruß, Chris
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  • Interesting article. It is very unfortunate that over the last one decade, the travel industry has had to handle terrorism, SARS, tsunamis, influenza, swine flu, and also the first ever entire global tough economy. Through everthing the industry has really proven to be effective, resilient in addition to dynamic, discovering new tips on how to deal with hardship. There are constantly fresh problems and opportunities to which the marketplace must once again adapt and behave.
  • On attend tous le Crunch avec impatience !! Et il faut avouer qu’on espère beaucoup d’une équipe qui nous a fait rêver depuis le début de ce tournoi ! Vous nous avez donné de grands espoirs, on sera tous derrière vous (ou derrière l’écran) pour voir ça samedi soir ! ALLEZ LES BLEUS !!!!!
  • yazdıklarına kesinlikle katılıyorum.@Akat Kobay yorumlarını çok yersiz buluyorum. Yazarı bu iÅŸte uzmansa ve kendi deÄŸerleri ve tecrübeleriyle bu yazıyı yazıyorsa ben bu yazıyı saklar vakit buldukça kafama kazınması için okurum. Voltaire nedemiÅŸ “Acaba dünyada baÅŸkalarının tecrübelerinden istifade edecek kadar akıllı bir insan var mıdır?…”
  • Turns out Number 9 misunderstood the question and thought he was supposed to list what the standings at the end of this month would be. He will work on getting a proper prediction posted soon. This gap in comprehension is probably to be expected, as he is a Patterson alum.
  • Yleisökommentti:Miten on mahdollista, että kasvista tai puusta voisi kehittyä verta tai lihaa, eli syntyä elämää joka lähtee juoksemaan ja lentämään?Kommentoijan mielestä tuota ei voi tapahtua vaikka odotettaisiin miljardi miljardi vuotta.Olen täysin samaa mieltä.Onneksi Juntunen korjaa miehen virhettä.Mutta en kuullut Puolimatkalta mitään selitystä sille miten teistinen tiede käytännössä eroaisi ateistisesta tieteestä.-----------Lopussa Leisola sanoo, että perimään kertyy virheitä eikä uutta informaatiota synny. Mutta alkupuolella kuulimme, ettei evoluutiojätettä ole perimässä.
  • Got that right, Big Ed. Follow this stuff, but then get back to work and not worry about it.So far, with indie publishing, writers are in great shape and getting better. On the traditional side there are issues that will be shaking, but at the moment for indie publishing, things are looking very rosy.
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  • patent dispute breaks out as Travelport and American Airlines already find themselves in litigation over American Airlines’ notice to Orbitz that the airline intends to pull its flights from
  • October 29, 2012  1:30 pm by Hi there! This post couldn’t be written any better! Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I will send this information to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thank you for sharing!
  • Great I-feel-like-I’m-there shot, Mike!Every time I make an exposure that I like, I consider myself lucky. Then I worry about when the luck will run out. Someday (perhaps), I will realize that I would not have lucked out if I had not been out there.
  • at first my brain read “progun” as pogrom: po·grom   [puh-gruhm, -grom, poh-]nounan organized massacre, …Origin:1880–85; (< Yiddish ) < Russian pogróm literally, destruction, devastation (of a town, country, etc., as in war), noun derivative of pogromít’, equivalent to po- perfective prefix + gromít’ to destroy, devastate, derivative of grom thunderSynonymsslaughter, butchery.
  • Living with pain 24/7 for the past 12 years has changed my life forever. With no cure in sight and nothing seems to relieve the pain. It has been hard to get optomysitc about the future. Never give up cuz if I can do it so can everyone else. I wish that I only had the fibro pain. I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and RA on top of it. Never give up!!
  • than the grocery store RIGHT next-door. Yet since they accept      EBT cards, it’s OKAY to pay $6      for a box of cereal. The government doesn’t care. Worse, I have seen with      my own eyes – that this same
  • Thanks for stopping by, Yan.I'd suggest 6 years your junior isn't much to worry about. In fact, women in your age group are typically 3-5 years older as far as maturity goes anyway. I'm curious though, what are these other people questioning you on, by dating him? My recent post  
  • 44rrivax ma che ca...aaaaaaste moderate e non insulti... glab... niente volevo dire che ci sono anche le nuove generazioni da considerare: ci sono ragazzi di 16/18 anni che nel 2001 avevano solo 6/8 anni. Solo ora stanno cominciando ad affrontare l'argomento e non posso fare altro che cercarlo su internet...
  • Twitter Presence Part 2 - Pre-Prepared Tweets Building Your Twitter Presence Part 3 - TweetBaiting Twitter Networking 101 Tweeting Outside The IM Niche… Social Marketing Pitfalls & The Twitter Time Suck Why Twitter
  • mahendra ji mala ha lekh khup aawadala, agadi barobar sukha he apalya mananaytach asate aani aapan jar apeksha thewalyach naahi tar apekshaya bhangache dukha honarach nnai, phakta anandach milel. kuhup sundar tumache abbhar
  • “Making boatloads of money must not take much in the way of smarts.”Maha, you have just defined Republicanism in general, and Mitt Romney in particular.I, myself, draw a distinction between “clever,” the ability to make difficult things happen, and “intelligence” (also called “wisdom”), which is the ability to determine which things really need to be done, or are desirable to accomplish.Republicans almost universally are pathologically clever, with no sign of intelligence or wisdom. This is, by far, the worst possible situation. These kinds of people do ever so much harm…
  • By June 30, 2012 - 3:26 amThanks a bunch for sharing this with all of us you really know what you’re talking about! Bookmarked. Please also visit my web site =). We could have a link exchange arrangement between us!
  • The Absent Game…Amongst me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players through the years than I can count, like Sansas, iRivers, iPods (common & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players….
  • total egg yolks you used are 70g to 77g for 60g flour. I weighted my egg yolks. 4 yolks is 77g. I use 60g King Arthur AP flour. The batter is about 1/2 full.How can I know the cake rises too quick? How many minutes after it is in oven?The first time, I used 7 eggs, the batter was 2/3 full. It shrink very bad too.
  • we could let the cat out of the bag now....I was your SS and I thoroughly enjoyed being your SS. I am glad you were pleased with the few things that I chose to send you.I had a great SS - you should go see what I got from Rose.
  • Hi Kim, Oh, your dining room is so beautiful. I love the open doors on your display of white ironstone. The blue & white plates look great too.
  • Леонид:думаю, про деньги стоит забыть. «ÃÂ¿ÃÂ»ÃÂ°Ã‘‚ят»? — хм, вероятней всего десятники/сотники снимают последнее (им гораздо проще), но и до них паяльники с утюгами доберутся, т.к. выпасти этих деятелей как два пальца об асфальт (счета и доки все засвечены)
  • Je poursuis ; annoncer que quelque chose est à vomir c’est comme dire que certains sont viscéralement anti-quelque chose. Ça ferme un peu la discussion rationnelle.Ce sont des choses que certains peuvent écrire mais qu’on ne dit trop pas dans la conversation, me semble-t-il. (Si un type disait devant moi c’est à vomir, je ne pourrais m’empêcher de faire un pas de coté, et en arrière).Je vois qu’on est sur le point de rendre sa pipe à mon oncle ; je m’en réjouis.
  • Ouan…J’m'attendais à un peu plus…Normallement tes liens présentent de quoi avec un minimum d’appuis scientifiques ou du moins quelque chose de solide…Là, la joke est bonne…Mais n’apporte rien
  • Edit!Remélem sikerül kertedbe költöztetni valamelyiket. Majd írd meg nekünk. :)Flóra!Örülök, hogy ide találtál és, hogy megnyerte tetszésedet a blog. :)
  • good post, i can’t even figure out where they’d get the $3.56B number… in fact, if i had to eyeball the market sizing/value TODAY, i’d cap it around $150-250M and be done…
  • quem fala assim não é gago enche os bolsos agora garante os bolsos cheios no futuro enche os bolsos aos lobbies aos amigos familiares á merkel ao sarkosi etc enquanto espremer e der vai disto e quando não der umas bastonadas da bofia no pessoal sempre ha-de dar mais qualquer coisinha
  • , “Oh, shit,” all the time. I always told her “Don’t say that!” after she said it, so now she says, “Oh shit. Don’t say that!” BTW I downloaded your free report the other day and it was extremely helpful. Best thing I’ve read in ages, free or paid!.-= Kathleen´s last blog .. =-.
  • Kimmmmmm!Thank you for the GaGa-licious video. I have NO idea how old you are, but I’m guessing younger than me. Maybe. Seriously, I have no idea. WHich just proves how stupid hang ups about age are. I’m just so glad you are here. Alive. Doing your thing.
  • Caballero me quito el sombrero por lo conseguido por usted, ya va siendo hora que algunos les pongan las pilas a tanta empresa de cosmética que venden humo apoyándose en una star system; por cierto Jennyfer López lleva extensiones y hace poco en un concierto perdió una bailandocon lo que Loreal no debe producir tantos milagros cuando la protagonista que tanto los anuncia necesita cabello postizo.Un saludo
  • First of all, nostalgia the best way to judge something because I try to watch reruns of Mighty and it sucks dick. I mean I envy your nostalgia but as an adult I try to be objective when watching things and those early seasons are unwatchable to me.
  • Zwolennicy amerykaÅ„skiej Tea Party ubawiliby siÄ™ setnie na wieść o tym, że w Polsce pod tÄ… nazwÄ… ukrywajÄ… siÄ™ monarchiÅ›ci.GorÄ…co zachÄ™cam do zmiany nazwy, póki na to czas. Trudno o bardziej od siebie odlegÅ‚e pojÄ™cia niż dziedziczny absolutyzm i "no taxation without representation".
  • naturally like your website however you need to test the spelling on several of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling problems and I find it very bothersome to inform the truth on the other hand I¡¦ll definitely come back again.
  • >I asked myself “Do I really want to click on the blue ‘colonoscopy’ link?” I’m glad I did! Hilarious! I have filmed a couple of rodeos (guess why), and I have had to stop myself cheering for the bulls, lest I “out” myself…
  • Alexandre disse:É isso aí IvanA atitude de Rocky e outros que adoram ofender sem pestanejar é ridícula. Nem todos tem obrigação de conhecer e podem dar sua opinião sem problemas. Também acho que não há nada de furtivo na embarcação, mas gosto de ver a participação de todos.Rocky, vc deve entender muito pois após hostilizar nosso amigo não deu a sua opinião. Obrigado por tão nobre participação.
  • Hmm.. BHostia en ole kokeillut (ainakaan vielä). Pitää laittaa korvan taakse! Noissa halvoissa tuppaa olemaan se ongelma, että siellä karsitaan sistten jostain. Liikaa VPS:siä samalla hostilla ja tämmöstä pientä mukavaa. Jokunen paskempi kokemus sattunut matkan varrellakin :P
  • Had same issue, including Google search to browser transition, but the latest update to 0.6.3 seems to do away with this repeated sign-out/sign-in issue. Works much better.
  • Daniel,RSS is an interesting case, but for me it only made some stuff a little easier. It took newsletters out of my inbox and put them in google reader. You can do some cool things with RSS, and “feed technologies” could be the enabler for that next “something”.The one thing I will be looking at is Mozilla’s Ubiquity. That could be a major change agent, but I need to take a deeper look.
  • Good Afternoon,I’m interested in volunteering with Micah House. Specifically I’m interested in the literacy and ESL programming. My work schedule is such that I’m not available from 1-6p M-F but was hoping mornings or weekends there is need for volunteers. If you could please let me know I’d greatly appreciate it.Sincerely,Kelly
  • we love to give things away… but i’m pretty proud of this site as a child theme Would love to know what you like and maybe I can fit it into a future child theme
  • Americas second golden age wasnt killed off by Star Wars, the profits from which no doubt funded a fair few smaller, more personal projects by Fox in 78 and 79. If one film is responsible for ending the golden age, wouldnt it have been Heavens Gate (1980)? That catastrophe ruined an entire studio and legitimized far tighter control by producers over directors probably a good thing in the long run.
  • Wow! that library is the stuff dreams are made of! On my list of "must haves" should I ever be fortunate enough to build my dream house is a two story library with a circular stair. Gorgeous pics, thanks!
  • I really like the Peanut Shell nursing cover and the adjustable peanut shell both in the Tea Time design. They would definitely go perfectly with the ergobaby carrier
  • Acabo de hacer una prueba para crear un link entrante hacia mi web, pero ohh sorpresa el link que me crea google en su site es de tipo nofollow¿que os parece?
  • BTW, you can’t even get the basic facts straight. Brazil doesn’t dwarf Vzla in hydroelectric production when you look in per capita terms. In fact, they produce only half of what Venezuela produces in per capita terms, despite much SUPERIOR hydro resources. Not only that, but growth in production since 2000 is 75% compared to 70% for Venezuela. You might want to, you know, get your shit straight before just “making things up.”
  • hoje nos discursos diziam muito que estavam ali como deputados devido ao 25A acho que alguns se não fosse o 25A já lá estavam há muito tempo e por muito tempo sempre seguido, sem eleições, pois muitos são filhos da antiga senhora
  • Mindennek van elÅ‘zménye, így ennek is. Az IPM paprika tesztjében a Noszlopi lett nálam a jobb, ha csak 1 ponttal is, ahogy az elsÅ‘ mondatokban utalok rá. Elolvasható itt:A Noszlopi elÅ‘nye akkor abban mutatkozott meg, hogy “kizárólag piros fűszerpaprika és konyhasó felhasználásával készül”, gondoltam én a rendelkezésre álló információk alapján, akkor… a többi már fentebb olvasható, meglehetÅ‘sen részletesen és udvariasan is. Aki figyelmesen olvassa, értheti, ha akarja, hogy mi a gondom.
  • Oh leuk!!! Wat wil jij dat ik voor je maak? Ik ben niet zo goed, hoor, het is allemaal met een franse kunstenaars slag roept u maar!
  • Ik hoorde dat Skype bezig is met een open source versie van de client. Dat wordt dus ooit als het goed is ook een simpele installatie via de standaard repositories.Maar inderdaad, Ubuntu is een prima platform voor ontwikkelaars. Als persoonlijke desktop heb ik toch het liefst een Mac.
  • "si Yannick Noah a gagné en 1983, c’est juste parce que c’est un gros débile et qu’il était soutenu par 15'000 hystériques."J'adore... Mais c'est peut être aussi parce qu'il a eu plus de niaque que tous les tennisman français depuis. Peut être aussi qu'il était moins facile de défendre correctement avec les raquettes de l'époque.
  • fábært að allir eru í góðum gír .og þú mín kæra að endurfæðast ég renni til þín að tröllaleira tihihihihi.Elvar sagði nú fyrsta skóladaginn KENNARI ég kemst sko ekkert eftir helgi ég er nebblega sko að fara með pabba í vinnuna góður þessi fynnst þér ekki*********
  • Almost all of what you say is astonishingly appropriate and that makes me wonder why I had not looked at this with this light previously. This particular piece really did turn the light on for me personally as far as this particular subject matter goes. Nevertheless at this time there is actually one issue I am not necessarily too comfortable with so while I try to reconcile that with the central theme of your position, permit me observe what all the rest of your subscribers have to point out.Well done.
  • What a great idea! My boys are terrible at eating veggies. I wish we had a store around here that was participating! And I’m with you, I’d love a year supply of guacamole!Mimi recently posted..
  • I’m not working at the moment i fucking LOVE asian women. i L-O-V-E squirters!!!!! perfect. only could get better if i was giving her the orgasms. cock, fingers, mouth. love to be soaked
  • Thanks very much Gregory. As you may have noticed, I have slowed down on the blog posts but your comment is motivational for me. I’m also pleased to know that you find some of the posts poetic, which is something I try to do.Take care.
  • Thanks for the piece.On the forms, I think the big issue with the first "bad" example is the labels are left justified so they float a long way from the relevant controls. Right justification would also resolve this, which we do on form labels fairly routinely.
  • a good blog, have fun, but remember,…always respect others. on the other hand, it can imply that more competition since more players just began to compete with you in business. well, that is websites. when we start blogs, the numbers increase to a point that you simply…
  • It's Elle. Nobody on their covers ever escapes photo shop. The whole magazine and others like it are about fantasy -- and if you look at them that way, they're fun, relaxing to leaf through and my "guilty pleasure." I will say that Elle has one of the best book and music recommendation sections.
  • alright…so many of my friends have a facebook page and i’d like one too. my parents only talk negatively about MySpace, online chat rooms, etc. i don’t have a cell phone, which will be one of my points when trying to convince them to let me get one. what are some other points i can make to persuade my parents to let me get one?
  • About Labor Unions.Non union employers raise the wages of their employees to union wage levels when they are threatened with being unionized. So it follows that unions help workers in general and not just unionized workers. The uneducated public is gener